
 2022-05-12 09:05


摘 要

随着通信系统的飞速发展,越来越多的通信信道被整合到同一块芯片上,这样做的后果会导致传输信道杂散信号分布复杂,增加多余噪音,影响需要的信号传输,且滤除困难。在传统通信系统中,解决上述难题的方法是采用片外或片上无源滤波器去除杂散信号,但该方法面临器件尺寸大、使用功耗高等诸多问题。相反,片上有源Gm-C滤波器受到了更多科学家的关注,因其具有增益高、损耗小、面积小等特点,在毫米波等通信领域得到越来越广泛的应用。运算跨导放大器(OTA)是整个Gm-C滤波器中最核心的组成部分,它是一种将输入差分电压转化为输出电流的放大器。由于其为开环系统,所以在单独使用时其线性度并不很好,所以研究者们采用了各种方法以增大其线性度,其中使用最为广泛的就是源极电阻负反馈方法,它可以在降低跨导增益的同时,极大地降低三阶非线性失真项系数,进而使OTA模块获得很高的线性度。此外,Nauta结构的OTA模块由于没有内部节点,所以具有很好的高频性能,且Nauta OTA差分增益很高。本文使用Nauta结构设计了一款OTA模块,并验证其差分增益和共模增益。还获得了交流特性仿真曲线,可以看到该电路结构只存在一个极点,直流增益为21.0509dB,-3dB带宽为2.807GHz。在输入信号频率为2.804GHz,三次谐波失真为-50dBc。



With the rapid development of the communication system, more and more communication channels are integrated on the same chip. It will lead to the complex distribution of signals in the transmission channel, increasing the unnecessary noise, affecting the required signal transmission and makeing it difficult to filter. In traditional communication systems, the solution to the above problem is to remove the stray signals by using off-chip or on-chip passive filters. However, this method faces many problems such as large device size and high power consumption.On the contrary, the on-chip active gm-c filter has attracted more and more scientists' attention. Because of its characteristics of high gain, small loss and small area, it has been applied more and more widely in millimeter wave and other communication fields. Operational transconductance amplifier(OTA) is the core component of gm-c filter. It is an amplifier that converts input differential voltage into output current. researchers adopted various methods to increase its linearity. One of the most widely used methods for negative feedback is adding source resistance. It can reduce the transconductance gain at the same time, greatly reduce the third order nonlinear distortion coefficient, thus makes OTA module to obtain high linearity. In addition, Nauta OTA module has very good VHF performance because it has no internal node. and Nauta OTA differential gain is very high.This paper designs a OTA module with Nauta structure and verifies its differential gain and common mode gain. You can see only one pole in this structure, the frequency is 21.0509dB.-3db, the phase is 137.3427 °.At the input signal frequency of 2.804GHz, the third harmonic distortion is -50 dBC.

KEY WORDS:Gm-C Filter.Operational Transconductance Amplifier.Nauta framework.High linearity

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 概述 1

1.1 选题背景及意义 1

1.2 滤波器的研究情况 1

1.2.1 滤波器的发展进程 1

1.2.2 Gm-C滤波器国内外研究现状 2

1.3 论文结构 3

第二章 跨导器的设计基础 5

2.1 MOS场效应管 5

2.1.1 N沟道MOS场效应管结构 5

2.1.2 N沟道MOS场效应管工作原理 6

2.1.3 N沟道MOS场效应管特性 9

2.1.4 场效应管等效电路 11

2.2 差分放大器 14

2.2.1 电路结构 14

2.2.2 MOS差放的差模传输特性 15

第三章 OTA模块的实现 18

3.1 OTA模块 18

3.1.1 OTA的基本原理 18

3.1.2 OTA线性化处理 19

3.1.3 OTA的基本应用 22

3.2 OTA电路设计 22

3.2.1 电压-电流转换 22

3.2.2 工作原理 24

3.3 OTA电路实现 26

3.4 OTA仿真 26

第四章 Gm-C滤波器的实现 30

4.1 低阶Gm-C滤波器结构 30

4.1.1 一阶Gm-C滤波器结构 30

4.1.2 二阶Gm-C滤波器结构 31

4.2 滤波器实现方式 32

4.2.1 逼近函数滤波器 32

4.2.2 滤波器的实现方法 33

第五章 总结与展望 34

5.1 总结 34

5.2 展望 34

参考文献 35

致 谢 37






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