
 2022-01-30 08:01


摘 要




03012121 ZHANG Junnan

Supervised by TAN Ping

Abstract:With the development of technology and modernization of engineering machinery industry, power machinery is required by people in many perspectives. Not only its service efficiency, but also comfort of machinery and control of environment are strictly required. Among them, control of noise is closely related to operation staff's comfort level and safety as well as to environmental conservation around the machinery. All kinds of noises are originated from vibration. On one hand, with fatigue damage appearing earlier, the vibration shortens service life of machine's components, which is a great threat to safety of the whole machine. On the other hand, excessive noise may damage operation staff' ears, and even disturb resident's daily life around. Therefore, with the development of modernization and industrialization, the study on the reduction on noise of power machinery is of great significance. This thesis tries to state some basic qualities of sound waves from fundamental theories of Acoustics. By means of observing transmission of simulation sound through tunnels in different shapes, the distribution of field of sound is also observed. In this way, noise of vibration can be simulated. Based on these approaches and some fundamental theories of vibration noise, this thesis aims to talk about design of acoustical damper. Moreover, taking automobile engines in people's daily life into consideration, this thesis studies theories of analysis of aerodynamic noise and structural vibration noise. Exhaust noise, the essential part of analysis of aerodynamic noise is specially focused on producing mechanism and influential factors. Finally, this thesis states ways of optimizing structure of engines, use the simulation application ansys to simulation the muffler work in the real environment.

Key words:sonic;machinery;pipeline;vibration;muffler


绪论 I


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1动力机械降噪研究背景 1

1.2本文的主要工作 2

第二章 声波的基本性质 3

2.1概念 3

2.2声压的基本概念 3

2.3理想流体媒质的三个基本方程 4

2.3.1运动方程 4

2.3.2连续性方程 5

2.3.3状态方程 5

2.4平面波的基本性质 5

2.4.1波动方程的解 5

2.4.2声波的传播速度 7

2.4.3声阻抗率与媒质特性阻抗的基本概念 7

2.5声场中的能量关系 7

2.5.1声能量与声能量密度 7

2.5.2声强与声功率 8

2.6声压级、声强级和声功率级 8

2.7声波的传播特性 9

2.7.1声学边界条件 9

2.7.2声波的反射、透射和折射 9

2.7.3声波的散射 9

2.7.4声波的干涉 9

2.7.5声波的衰减 10

第三章 声波在管内的传播 11

3.1声波在圆管中的传播 11

3.2声波在变截面管道的传播 11

3.3中间插管的传声特性 13

第四章 空气动力噪声及其控制 14

4.1排气噪声的产生机理 14

4.1.1基频噪声 14

4.1.2气柱共振噪声 14

4.1.3亥姆霍兹共振噪声 15

4.1.4其他噪声 15

4.2影响排气噪声的主要因素 16

4.3噪声控制技术 17

第五章 排气消声器 18

5.1消声器性能评价指标 18

5.1.1声学性能评价 18

5.1.2空气动力性能评价 18

5.1.3消声器的机械性能 19

5.2消声器的设计依据 19

5.3消声器的影响因素 20

5.4扩张管式消声器理论分析 20

第六章 消声器实例 24

6.1ansys有限元声场分析过程 24

6.2加装扩张管式消声器 24

全文总结 31



第一章 绪 论


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