
 2022-04-01 09:04


摘 要




The problem of air pollution in public buildings is concerned by the public. Formaldehyde is considered as an important indoor pollutant. Although the source of indoor formaldehyde has been deeply studied, the effect of outdoor formaldehyde on indoor concentration has been ignored for a long time. Incomplete combustion of natural gas also produces large amounts of formaldehyde. In this study, formaldehyde concentration was measured by phenol reagent spectrophotometer. Indoor and outdoor formaldehyde can rise as the elapse of the season and the increase of temperature. The outdoor formaldehyde concentration from Nanjing is usually higher than 9μg/m³, which is the reference limit set by OEHHA for long-term exposure to formaldehyde. This suggests that outdoor formaldehyde concentrations pose an overlooked health risk. Through the change of formaldehyde inside and outside the research room in different space and time scales, when the room without the temporary emission source of formaldehyde, the O/I ratio is about 20%~40%, and 37.5% of the O/I ratio is more than 30%.The value of O/I ratio in different indoor formaldehyde concentration range is different, when Cin is 50-100μg/m³,30-50μg/m³ and lt;30μg/m³, the median O/I ratio is 11.7%, 25.5% and 37%, respectively. The study also found that the O/I ratio was less affected by date (or season) and temperature. However, the change of O/I ratio in one day was obvious and showed a downward trend. This development could have an impact on the way buildings are ventilated and lead to changes in the way we assess human exposure.

KEY WORDS: public buildings, air quality, formaldehyde concentration, outdoor-indoor relationship

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2研究背景 1

1.3研究现状 2

1.3.1污染源及影响因素 2

1.3.2大气环境中的甲醛 3

1.3.3甲醛浓度的O/I比 3

1.3.4天然气燃烧时产生的甲醛 4

1.4本文研究目的和主要研究内容 4

第二章 研究方法 6

2.1采样地点和时间 6

2.1.1采样地点 6

2.1.2采样时间 6

2.2采样点和采样内容 6

2.2.1采样点 6

2.2.2采样内容 7

2.3 仪器和设备 7

2.3.1大型气泡吸收管 7

2.3.2恒流采样器 7

2.3.3具塞比色管 7

2.3.4分光分度计 8

2.3.5温湿度计 8

2.4试剂 8

2.4.1盐酸 8

2.4.2硫酸铁铵溶液 8

2.4.3吸收原液 8

2.4.4吸收液 8

2.4.5溶液A 8

2.4.6甲醛标准溶液 8

2.5采样 9

2.5.1准备工作 9

2.5.2预调流量 9

2.5.3采样 9

2.6结果分析 9

2.6.1分光分度计的使用 9

2.6.2标准曲线的绘制 10

2.6.3样品测定 10

2.7结果计算 11

2.7.1标准曲线 11

2.7.2甲醛浓度计算 11

2.7.3室外甲醛对室内浓度贡献的公式 12

第三章 室内、外空气品质特征 14

3.1室外甲醛浓度的特征 14

3.1.1室外甲醛浓度与慢性吸入参考暴露水平的比较 14

3.1.2室外甲醛浓度随温度的变化 15

3.1.3室外甲醛浓度随测量日期的变化 15

3.1.4室外甲醛浓度随采样时间的变化 16

3.2室内甲醛浓度的特征 18

3.2.1室内甲醛浓度与室内甲醛准则值的比较 18

3.2.2室内甲醛浓度随温度的变化 19

3.2.3室内甲醛浓度随日期的变化 21

3.2.4室内甲醛浓度随采样时间的变化 22

第四章 室内外关联特性分析 24

4.1甲醛浓度的O/I比 24

4.2不同室内浓度范围的O/I比 25

4.3甲醛浓度的O/I比随时间的变化 27

4.3.1不同日期 27

4.3.2不同时间段 28

4.4甲醛浓度的O/I比随温度的变化 31

4.5换气次数的影响 32

第五章 天然气燃烧 34

5.1工况确定 34

5.2采样情况 34

5.2.1准备工作 34

5.2.2背景浓度 35

5.2.3烹饪工况 35

5.2.4开启抽油烟机 35

5.2.5动态变化 35

5.3甲醛浓度 35

5.4单位时间内天然气燃烧产生的甲醛 38

5.4.1结果处理 38

5.4.2计算结果 38

第六章 结果与讨论 40

参考文献 41

附 录 45

致 谢 51


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