
 2022-04-01 09:04


摘 要

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At present, there is a shortage of energy in the world, and the power supply is tight, and the energy production and supply structure is in urgent need of improvement. With the development of science and technology, plasma has gradually entered people's field of vision, and has been paid more and more attention and development. plasma has also been more and more applied and plays a more and more important role. Based on the hot electron emission energy converter, the heat energy is directly converted into electric energy by releasing hot electrons. Hot electronic generator has the advantages of short recovery cycle, easy realization and low cost. In the process of use, the hot electronic generator is simpler and can be tested with smaller devices; at the same time, maneuverability is also used. Flexible characteristics, according to different needs, multiple generators can be used in series and parallel, a variety of combinations to meet different needs. However, for hot electronic power generation equipment, thermoelectric conversion efficiency is an important problem.

In this paper, the phenomenon of hot electron emission and the basic knowledge and equipment of vacuum are briefly introduced, and the experiment of thermal electron emission in high vacuum environment is carried out in order to explore the characteristics of thermal electron emission in vacuum environment. The whole experimental device is mainly divided into two parts, vacuum system and hot electron emission test section. In the experiment, Mo sheet and tungsten electrode are used as anode and cathode to realize hot electron emission by heating tungsten electrode. Finally, a closed loop is formed through the wire on the bipolar plate, the current value is displayed on the electric meter, and the volt-ampere characteristic curve is drawn.

Key words: plasma, hot electron emission, high vacuum, cathode

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1热电子放电的背景和意义 1

1.2热电子发电的发展现状 2

1.3真空简介 3

1.3.1真空的气体流动 3

1.3.2真空的分类 4

1.3.3真空的应用 5

1.4热电转化研究综述 6

1.4.1热电子发射现象 6

1.4.2热电子发射基本原理 6

1.4.3热电子发电存在的问题 8

1.5本章小结 9

第二章 实验设计 10

2.1目标要求 10

2.2实验装置设计 10

2.2.1真空装置设计 10

2.2.2真空设备简介 11

2.2.3实验设备操作流程 15

2.2.4真空设备评估 16

2.2.5热电子发射计算 18

2.3本章小结 19

第三章 实验介绍及数据处理分析 20

3.1 实验介绍 20

3.1.1试验段介绍 20

3.1.1平面二极管实验仪器介绍 22

3.1.2 平面二极管实验步骤 23

3.2 实验数据及处理 23

3.3 本章小结 23

第四章 总结与展望 25

4.1总结 25

4.2展望 25

参考文献 26

第一章 绪论


随着时代的发展,人们的生活逐渐改善,人们对电力的需要随之升高,这就对我国的电力生产以及供应系统造成了很大的压力,供电时间不均衡,地区不均衡,供电质量下降等问题不可小视。我国是火力发电大国,电能供应超过70%来源于火力发电,能源结构亟待改进,能源分配不均衡。而且当前的火力发电受限于热机的效率,许多热量都没有被合理的利用,这就造成了十分严重的能源浪费。 因此,设计一种高效清洁的发电方法迫在眉睫,且具有十分重要的意义和价值。目前,中国正在经历能源生产和消费的变革,这表明了我们构建一个清洁,低碳,安全,高效的现代能源系统以及低碳,智能和共享的能源未来的决心。我国能源行业正处于历史转折期,迎接从产业结构到发展路径的深度变革。

随着科技的发展,等离子体技术得到越来越大的重视和发展。等离子体在工业、商业和家庭环境以及空间和聚变研究中得到了越来越多的应用,发挥着越来越重要的作用。等离子体技术的影响几乎渗透到人类的各个方面。尽管有广泛的应用,等离子的发展依然处于一个神秘的阶段。等离子体学科不同于其他许多物理学领域。等离子体最简单的形式包括两种基本粒子:电子和离子。超过 99%的宇宙被认为是等离子体,而彗星、行星等由凝聚态物质(固体、液体和气体)组成的物质截然相反[1]


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