
 2022-08-29 09:08


摘 要



关键词:离心压缩机 振动 故障 信号 频谱 MATLAB 人工神经网络


Centrifugal compressor as a rotating machinery and equipment, its vibration is an important measure of the merits of its operating conditions, through the centrifugal compressor vibration signal to obtain the equipment fault information is commonly used diagnostic methods, vibration fault diagnosis process Involving a variety of disciplines. In this paper, the vibration signal acquisition and analysis processing is studied. Combined with the artificial neural network to train the spectrum, the vibration fault diagnosis of the centrifugal compressor is provided, which provides a feasible way for the vibration diagnosis of the equipment.

This paper first introduces the development and significance of centrifugal compressor and vibration fault diagnosis. Then, the common vibration failure mechanism is analyzed and analyzed, and the spectrum characteristics of various faults are also introduced. Then, the acquisition, analysis and extraction of vibration information are studied deeply. The significance of various parameters of vibration signal in time domain and frequency domain is introduced in detail. Theoretically explains how to use the fast Fourier transform (FFT) to complete the vibration signal from time domain to frequency domain transformation, and MATLAB with a group of data collected from the scene were processed. Finally, a set of vibration fault diagnosis training is realized by MATLAB neural network toolbox, and a simple vibration fault recognition program is designed based on the above principle.

Key words: centrifugal compressor , vibration , failure , signal , Spectrum , MATLAB , ANN(Artificial Neural Networks)

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题背景及研究意义 1

1.2离心式压缩机的发展概况 1

1.3振动故障诊断的现状和发展前景 2

1.4对离心压缩机进行振动故障诊断的意义 3

1.5振动信号分析在离心压缩机的应用 3

1.6本文研究的主要内容 4

第二章 离心压缩机的常见故障及特征 5

2.1离心压缩机振动故障机理 5

2.2常见的振动故障特征分析 6

2.2.1转子质量不平衡 6

2.2.2不对中 8

2.2.3油膜失稳 10

2.2.4旋转失速和喘振 11

第三章 振动信号分析及提取 13

3.1振动信号的基本参数 13

3.1.1振动的时域指标 13

3.1.2振动的频域指标 14

3.2振动信号的采集 14

3.2.1传感器技术 14

3.2.2 A/D(模/数)转换 15

3.3振动信号的处理 16

3.3.1振动信号处理的意义 16

3.3.2离散傅里叶变换(DFT)和快速傅里叶变换(FFT) 16

3.4振动信号处理实例 17

3.4.1振动原始数据采集 17

3.4.2采样频率谱线分辨率采样定理数学计算 19

3.4.3用MATLAB实现快速傅里叶变换(FFT) 20

第四章 基于MATLAB人工神经网络的离心压缩机振动故障诊断 22

4.1MATLAB人工神经网络工具箱介绍 22

4.1.1MATLAB简介 22

4.1.2神经网络工具箱简介 22

4.2神经网络在故障诊断中应用 22

4.2.1 BP网络简介 22

4.2.2 BP网络结构设计 23

4.3人工神经网络在离心压缩机故障诊断中的应用 23

4.3.1 振动故障的特征值提取 23

4.3.2 神经网络的结构和参数 24

4.3.3 MATLAB语句说明与训练结果展示 24

4.4振动特征提取中遇到的问题 31

第五章 离心压缩机振动故障诊断系统 34

5.1开发振动诊断系统的意义 34

5.2 基于GUI功能的振动故障诊断系统 34

5.2.1 MATLAB中GUI简介 34

5.2.2 故障诊断系统 34

5.3振动故障诊断系统的展望 38

总结 39

参考文献 40

致 谢 41

第一章 绪论



离心式压缩机是不少大型工厂的主力设备,高运行转速,大工质流量,易损件少,能持续工作是它独特的有点。它在工业生产中具有关键性作用,其运行状况良好或不良直接影响工厂的效率。一旦压缩机停机发生故障就会造成巨大的经济损失。 采用先进的状态监测和故障诊断技术,不仅可以及早发现压缩机故障标志,防止恶性事故的发生,同时也可以从根本上解决当前维修设备在常规检修中的不足[2]


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