
 2022-08-28 11:08


摘 要

本项目位于江苏省南京市,为某酒店及综合体工程。总建筑面积为36109.60m2, 地上21层为酒店及办公区域,面积为24132.28 m2,地下1层为汽车库及设备用房,面积为11977.32 m2



关键词:酒店 空调系统 全空气 风机盘管


The project is located in Nanjing, for a hotel and complex project. The construction is 36109.60m2,with 21 floors area of 24132.28 m2 for the hotel and office area, and 1 underground floor of 11977.32 m2 for the garage and equipment space.

The design contains: the calculation of heating and cooling loads; the selection of the appropriate air-conditioning method; the design and calculation of air conditioning system, including the design of air processing and the design of air pipeline; the design and calculation of water system, including the design of water pipeline and the calculation of hydraulic; the choice of cooling and heating resources according to equipment costs , operation and maintenance costs; the design of noise reduction and smoke prevention.

The building includes office, hotel, restaurant and auxiliary in one, both large space such as the hotel lobby, and independent small space such as office. Therefore, according to the size of the space, different air supply systems should be taken: office, VIP room and guest rooms and other independent rooms use fan coil units plus fresh air system, fan coil units can be controlled individually, to meet the actual needs, and also can reduce the unnecessary waste. The fresh air can be sent to the rooms to meet the needs of the ventilation and hygiene all the time. For the lobby, restaurants, banquet halls and multi-purpose hall and other large space using a centralized air conditioni ng system. In the aspect of water system, taking the issues of the load demand, geographical conditions, surrounding resources, the initial investment of equipment, and follow-up maintenance costs, the design choose the chillers plus boiler as cooling and heating resources. The above design has the relevant drawings to explain.

KEY WORDS: hotel, air conditioning system, all air system, fan coil units

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2 设计参数 1

1.2.1 南京气候特征 1

1.2.2 南京室外设计气象参数 1

1.2.3 南京夏季空调室外计算逐时温度 2

1.2.4 民用与公共建筑空调房间设计参数 2

1.2.5 人体散热与散湿 3

1.2.6 照明及设备功率密度设计参数 4

第二章 负荷计算 6

2.1 夏季室内负荷计算 6

2.1.1 夏季室内冷负荷计算 6

2.1.2 夏季室内湿负荷计算 9

2.2 冬季热负荷计算 10

2.2.1 基本耗热量 10

2.2.2 附加耗热量 10

2.3 典型房间负荷计算 11

2.4 本章小结 20

第三章 空调处理方案的确定 21

3.1 空调系统的选择 21

3.2 空气处理过程 22

3.2.1 集中式全空气系统 22

3.2.2 风机盘管加新风系统 26

3.3 本章小结 29

第四章 风系统设计计算 30

4.1 风系统设计概述 30

4.2 风口设计计算 30

4.2.1 侧送风方式风口 30

4.2.2 上送风方式风口 31

4.3 风管设计计算 32

4.4 消声减振措施 35

4.5 本章小结 35

第五章 水系统设计计算 37

5.1 水系统的选择 37

5.2 主要计算公式 38

5.2.1 流量计算 38

5.2.2 管径的确定 38

5.2.3 沿程阻力计算 39

5.2.4 局部阻力计算 39

5.3 计算举例 39

5.4 保温措施 40

5.5 本章小结 40

第六章 防排烟系统设计 42

6.1 防烟系统 42

6.2 排烟系统 42

6.3 本章小结 43

第七章 设备选型汇总 44

7.1 冷热源机组选型 44

7.2 空气处理机组选型 45

7.3 风机盘管选型 47

致谢 49

参考文献 50



本项目位于江苏省南京市,为某酒店及综合体工程。总建筑面积为36109.60m2, 地上21层为酒店及办公区域,面积为24132.28 m2,地下1层为汽车库及设备用房,面积为11977.32 m2。建筑高度为92.5米。




江苏南京位于长江下游,纬度31°14'至32°37',东经118°22'至119°14'。 南京是亚热带季风湿润气候区,气候温和,四季分明的特点。春秋两季干燥凉爽,初夏进入梅雨季节,湿度较大,夏季高温干燥,冬季寒冷干燥。




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