
 2022-08-27 08:08


摘 要






With the resource shortage and increasingly serious environmental pollution today, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) this new green energy has been more and more attention. Because of its high efficiency of energy conversion and very little pollution, more and more countries and regions invest in its research and its industrialization. SOFC can convert the chemical energy in fuel and oxidant directly to electricity.

In addition, distributed energy is a new development and research direction of the power system, which has great potential and advantages in the efficient use of energy and flexible scheduling. It is of great practical significance to maintain the reliable and stable operation of the micro-grid system by improving the load tracking ability of the controllable distributed energy such as fuel cell.

In this paper, the dynamic mathematical model of SOFC and its grid-connected power generation system is studied. Firstly, the SOFC module is built according to the electrochemical model. The polarization characteristic curve of the SOFC system is obtained by simulation. The influence of different operating temperature on SOFC output voltage is analyzed. Through the Boost converter, DC voltage which SOFC output will be raised to 650V. then, through the three-phase inverter and the LC filter, we can achieve the AC voltage which meets the grid requirements finally, with the THDs of the current less than 5% , frequency 50Hz and voltage peak 311V AC.

Based on the Matlab / Simulink software environment, this paper simulates the SOFC grid-connected power generation system. The experimental results show that the SOFC can provide a stable power output to the micro-grid with the support of the energy storage device and the electric power equipment, and has some load tracking ability.

Keywords: solid oxide fuel cell, grid connected, Boost converter, DC-AC inverter

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题的背景与意义 1

1.2 燃料电池概述 2

1.2.1 燃料电池的工作原理及特点 2

1.2.2 燃料电池的分类及发展现状 3

1.3 固体氧化物燃料电池概述 4

1.3.1 的工作原理及特点 4

1.3.2 固体氧化物燃料电池的分类 6

1.3.3 固体氧化物燃料电池发展概况 6

1.4 并网要求和相关标准 7

1.5 本文主要研究内容 9

第二章 燃料电池建模与仿真分析 10

2.1 SOFC的建模假设 10

2.2 SOFC的电动势、开路电压和工作电压 10

2.1.1 活化极化 12

2.1.2 欧姆极化 12

2.1.3 浓差极化 13

2.3 SOFC的电化学模型 14

2.4 SOFC的Simulink建模 16

2.5 SOFC仿真模型的运行与分析 17

2.6 本章小结 23

第三章 燃料电池并网运行与控制 24

3.1 Boost变换器及其控制 24

3.2 三相并网逆变器及其控制 25

3.3 LC滤波器的设计 28

3.4 SOFC并网模型的搭建 29

3.5 SOFC并网的仿真和分析 30

3.6 本章小结 35

第四章 总结与展望 36

4.1 本文主要研究内容 36

4.2 不足和展望 36

参考文献 37

致 谢 39

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题的背景与意义

能源(Energy)是人类生存和社会发展的重要物质基础,也是制约经济发展的重要因素之一。随着全球工业化的加速和社会的不断发展,人类对能源的需求与依赖不断增长,致使化石能源面临日益枯竭的危机。受卡诺循环(Carnot Cycle)的影响,传统能源体系的能量转化过程效率低下,造成了严重的资源浪费[1]。另外,使用传统能源造成的环境污染问题也不容小觑。解决能源和环境这两大问题,将是人类当前以致未来很长一段时间内要努力实现的[2]


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