
 2022-07-29 09:07


摘 要





Petroleum coke is a by-product of petroleum refining. Petroleum coke contains high carbon content, low volatile and ash content, high sulfur and nitrogen elements and vanadium, nickel and other alkaline metal content, and has higher calorific value. As a new generation of combustion technology, circulating fluidized bed boiler has strong adaptability to fuel and low pollutant emission. Circulating fluidized bed boiler has incomparable advantages in combustion and utilization of its heat. The combustion of high sulfur petroleum coke by circulating fluidized bed boiler has become the main means of using high sulfur petroleum coke.

For the emission of petcoke-fired CFB boilers, the paper carried out a series of experiments on 6kW CFB built by Southeast University to study SO2、NOx、particulate matter and other pollutants. The paper mainly changes the primary air ratio, excess air coefficient to obtain the pollutant emission characteristics under different operating parameters. The experiment results show that when the petroleum coke is used, the CO emission concentration increases with the primary air rate; the NOx emission concentration increases with the increase of the primary air rate; When the desulfurizer is not added, the SO2 emission concentration remains constant with the increase of excess air coefficient; the primary air ratio and excess air coefficient have little effect on the particulate matter trends; The increase in excess air coefficient increases the mass of particles in certain particle size ranges; The increase of excess air coefficient will increase the number of particles with smaller particle size; The change of excess air ratio and primary air rate will not affect the PM2.5 particles in the proportion of the total particle mass .

KEY WORDS: Petroleum coke; CFB; pollutant emission characteristic

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2石油焦 1

1.2.1石油焦基本特性 1

1.2.2石油焦的用途 2

1.3循环流化床(CFB)锅炉技术 3

1.3.1循环流化床锅炉(CFB)典型工艺流程 3

1.3.2 循环流化床(CFB)锅炉的特点 4

1.3.3以石油焦为燃料的循环流化床(CFB)锅炉发展及现状 4

1.4研究现状 5

1.4.1 SO2排放特性的相关研究 5

1.4.2 NOx排放特性的相关研究 5

1.4.3颗粒物排放的相关研究 6

1.5研究目的与意义 6

1.6本章小结 6

第二章 实验装置及准备 7

2.1实验样品 7

2.2实验装置及仪器 7

2.2.1 6kW循环流化床实验台 7

2.2.2烟气分析仪 8

2.2.3荷电低压冲击器(ELPI) 9

2.3实验准备 11

2.3.1确定床料的临界流化风速 11

2.3.2标定给焦速率 15

2.4本章小结 16

第三章 纯烧石油焦的循环流化床污染物排放实验研究 17

3.1实验方案 17

3.2实验结果与分析 18

3.2.1 CO排放特性 18

3.2.2 SO2排放特性 19

3.2.3 NOx排放特性 20

3.2.4颗粒物排放特性 22

3.3本章小结 24

第四章 结论与展望 25

4.1结论 25

4.2展望 25

致 谢 26

参考文献 27

第一章 绪论


近年来,随着整个社会环保意识的不断加强,环境问题受到越来越多的关注与重视。党和政府更是把生态环境保护工作视为一件利国利民的大事,一项造福后代的重任。“十二五”以来,不断出台严格的环境保护法律法规,全面进行大气、水、土壤等污染的预防与治理。在2016年推出的《“十三五”生态环境保护规划》[1] 中指出要不断加大对生态环境保护工作的投入,用最严格的环境保护制度来保护生态环境,做好大气、水、土壤等污染防治工作。



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