
 2022-03-27 06:03


摘 要

第一章 绪论 1

1.1锂离子电池 1

1.1.1锂离子电池的组成与工作原理 1

1.1.2硅纳米线电极负极材料 3

1.1.3硅纳米线的结构及性质 5

1.2纳米线电极材料的力学性能与退化机理 7

1.2.1嵌锂模量变化 8

1.2.2 化学反应 9

1.3本文的主要内容 10

第二章 柱形空心硅碳纳米电极材料屈曲研究 11

2.1引言 11

2.2充电状态与临界屈服长度关系研究 11

2.3验证外层碳壳的刚性 15

2.4结果和讨论 16

第三章 充电速率对核壳电极材料屈曲的影响研究 19

3.1数学公式 19

3.2柱形核壳纳米线电极的屈曲 23

3.3结果和讨论 25

第四章 总结与展望 29

4.1总结 29

4.2后续研究方向 29

参考文献 31

致 谢 34

摘 要





Silicon is the negative electrode material (4200mAh/g) with the highest theoretical lithium storage capacity, and its specific capacity is much higher than graphite material. However, its actual amount of lithium intercalation is closely related to factors such as silicon size, electrode formulation and charge and discharge rate. At the same time, the silicon negative electrode material also has a serious volume effect (volume expansion ratio gt;400%) under conditions of high Embedded lithium, resulting in material pulverization. Therefore, research on silicon anode materials in recent years has focused on how to avoid degradation of electrode cycle performance caused by volume effects. As a typical representative of one-dimensional silicon nanomaterials, silicon nanowires do not have to overcome the interface barrier of a series of nanoparticle contacts, and this one-dimensional structure can effectively buffer the volume effect. Therefore, this negative electrode material has important potential application prospects, but research on silicon nanowires as anode materials for lithium ion batteries has rarely been reported.

In this paper, a cylindrical carbon-silicon electrode is taken as the research object. Considering the change of lithium intercalation modulus and assuming that the silicon electrode is ideally elastoplastic, the stress model inside the electrode during charge and discharge is obtained.Then the relationship between the critical instability height of the electrode and the state of charge is analyzed by the critical pressure determined by Euler's formula which is the verification criterion of instability. Then the internal silicon is considered to be a viscoplastic material, and different critical conditions are adopted,considering the influence of the charging rate, the formula of the supporting force and the critical force is obtained.And the effects of material length and carbon shell thickness on buckling instability were analyzed. The main feature of this model is that the support reaction can be expressed as a function of geometric parameters, material parameters, charge and discharge states, and charge and discharge rates. Finally, it is concluded that the longer the electrode or the faster the charging rate, the more unstable it is. The thicker the carbon layer is, the less likely it is to be unstable, the faster the charging rate, and the greater the critical charge and discharge state after softening is considered.

Key Words: nanowire electrode, interface stress, stability of columns, silicon negative electrode

  1. 绪论


长期以来,人们都是以煤,石油和天然气等化石燃料作为主要能源来使用。 但是这种能源结构造成了严重的环境污染,由此引发的全球变暖问题和生态环境的恶化日益受到重视。 因此,可再生能源和新能源的发展已成为未来科学技术领域和未来经济世界中最具决定性的影响之一。 锂离子电池作为一种新型的可再生能源,具有工作电压高,重量轻,能量密度高等优点。 它已广泛应用于手表,手机,笔记本电脑,甚至是地下采油等领域。 并显示出强劲的发展趋势。在20世纪60年代和70年代,发现许多嵌入化合物可与金属锂可逆地反应形成锂电池。早在20世纪70年代,最具代表性的Stell类型,即作为阴极的分层结构,被提出作为具有锂金属作为阳极的Li-TiS 2系统。 1976年,Whittingham证实了该系统的可靠性。随后,Exxon公司对Li-TiS2系统进行了深入研究,并希望能将锂离子电池商业化。然而,由于一系列因素导致锂金属电池的循环性能和安全性能达不到商业标准,该系统尚未商业化。 1980年,Armand首先提出了摇椅电池的想法。区别于传统的金属锂阳极,他使用低锂嵌入化合物作为阳极,并且使用高嵌入锂电位化合物作为阴极。同年,在德州大学的Goodenough教授,提出了一系列锂过渡金属氧化物如LixMO2等作为电池的阴极材料。 1987年,奥邦成功组装了浓度电池MO2证明了“摇椅电池”的可行性。 1987年,日本sony公司使用锂嵌入式焦炭来代替锂金属作为阳极。通过LixC6 / LiC1O4 PC EC / Li1-XMO2的电池系统是可逆的锂沉积碳材料,且是负电极同时保持高电压比,成功地解决了锂离子二次电池的低循环寿命的缺点。纯锂离子电池的研究始于1980s,二十世纪末,日本Nagoura等人。发展到使用锂离子电池的两倍阳极石油焦是正电极,锂离子钴用作阴极。同年,公司正式推出市场上首款采用C(焦炭)/ LiPF6 PC DEC / LiCoO2的商用锂离子电池,并首次提出了锂离子电池的概念。从那时起,在对锂离子电池材料研究的深入系统研究中,锂离子电池第首次商业化由sony公司实现。


锂离子电池的结构可以分为三个部分,正极、负极和电解质。 正极材料和负极材料具有海绵类似的物理结构,其中正极为锂离子电池提供锂离子;负极材料的主要功能是储存锂离子,在电池的充放电中,实现锂离子嵌入和脱嵌的,在放电时,锂离子从负极材料移出至电解液,再像水进入海绵一样进入正极材料;充电时,此时锂离子从正极材料移出至电解液,然后锂离子进入负极材料。电解质用于锂离子电池正负极之间的离子导电,目前应用最广泛的电解质是LiPF6。


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