
 2022-03-09 08:03


摘 要

16012504 刘思雨

指导教师 吴在军








Due to the characteristics of intermittent and random in the presence of renewable energy and clean energy, the active distribution network with distributed generation is characterized by high uncertainty and complex operation conditions. In order to cope with the challenge of the permeability of the distributed power system, the reactive power optimization technology of the active power distribution network has been developed, which makes the operation of the power network more stable and reliable. In this paper, to work out the problem about reactive power optimization of active distribution network, photovoltaics’ and grid connected inverter’s modeling and control method are proposed, reactive power optimization based on convex relaxation techniques of active distribution network reactive power optimization and reactive power optimization based on precise model of active distribution network are established, mainly to complete the work as follows:

1. The development background of distributed power is introduced, the definition and the distributed power generation technology and problems are discussed. the current active distribution network uncertainty trend analysis and distribution network optimization operation in the field of development status and development trend are summarized.

2. The modeling analysis and control of photovoltaic panels and grid connected inverters are introduced. The mathematical model of the photovoltaic power generation system is analyzed, and the maximum power tracking algorithm is introduced to control the photovoltaic cell.

3. The analysis of branch power flow model is introduced, and branch power flow active distribution network based on no model of reactive power optimization is embellished. The convex relaxation techniques extended it into a reactive power optimization model to faster and more efficient for reactive power optimization based on second-order cone programming.

4. Introduce the node injection model, based on established based on nodal injection power flow equations of reactive power optimization model is accurate reactive power optimization, and the accurate active distribution network reactive power optimization using the branch power flow model and optimization results of comparison of two kinds of accurate model and a relaxation model, second order cone programming of reactive power optimization model has the characteristics of high precision and fast speed.

Key words: active distribution network, distributed generation, reactive power optimization, second-order cone programming

目 录

摘要 II

Abstract III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 研究现状 1

1.3 论文主要工作 4

第二章 并网型光伏电源的建模与控制 5

2.1 引言 5

2.2 光伏电池的建模与控制 5

2.2.1 光伏电池板建模 5

2.2.2 光伏电池最大功率跟踪控制 9

2.3 并网逆变器的建模与控制 12

2.3.1 并网逆变器建模 12

2.3.2 并网逆变器控制 13 电流内环控制 14 电压外环控制 15 并网逆变器PQ控制策略 15

2.4 本章小结 16

第三章 基于凸松弛技术的有源配电网无功优化 17

3.1 引言 17

3.2 基于二阶锥规划的有源配电网无功优化 17

3.2.1 支路潮流模型 17

3.2.2 无功优化的数学模型 18支路潮流方程组 18 目标函数 19 约束条件 19

3.2.3 优化模型的二阶锥松弛 21

3.3 算例分析 22

3.3.1 算例1:IEEE 33 节点测试系统 22

3.3.2 算例2:美国PGamp;E 69 节点系统 24

3.4 本章小结 27

第四章 基于精确模型的有源配电网无功优化 28

4.1引言 28

4.2 基于支路潮流模型的有源配电网无功优化 28

4.3 基于节点注入模型的有源配电网无功优化 29

4.4 算例分析 30

4.4.1 算例1:IEEE 33 节点测试系统 31

4.4.2 算例2:美国PGamp;E 69 节点系统 33

4.5 本章小结 35

第五章 总结与展望 36

5.1 总结 36

5.2 展望 36

致谢 38

参考文献 39

第一章 绪论


分布式发电(Distributed generation , DG)也称为分散式发电或分布式供能,一般是指将输出功率为几十千瓦至几十兆瓦的小型发电或储能装置分散布置在用户现场或附近的供能方式。分布式发电所用的能源包括天然气(含煤层气、沼气等)、太阳能、风能、生物质能、小水电等清洁能源或可再生能源;而储能装置主要为蓄电池,也可以采用超级电容器、飞轮储能等[1]。目前,光伏发电、风力发电、燃料发电和微型燃气轮机是较为成熟的分布式发电技术中的主要几种形式[2]。分布式发电具有投资少、占地小、经济、灵活、节能环保等优点[3],但是,由于一些可再生能源和清洁能源存在间歇性和随机性的特点[4-6],使得这些分布式电源不能够仅改变自身的有功无功出力满足负荷的功率平衡,一般还需要其他的内部电源或是外部设备的共同协调运行。



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