
 2023-01-19 08:46:26


摘 要




Research on Condition Monitoring System of High Voltage Circuit Breaker


Compared with other power equipment, high voltage circuit breakers have outstanding performance advantages, which can protect circuits and control circuits. These advantages make it an indispensable part of various power networks. The normal operation of the circuit breaker is an important guarantee for the safe operation of the system. Previously, the circuit breaker mainly relied on regular maintenance. This method consumes a lot of manpower and material resources and cannot quickly respond to the operation of the circuit breaker. Therefore, with the continuous changes within the system, it is necessary to create a monitoring system to allow operators to obtain real-time information about the work of the circuit breaker, deal with the abnormal conditions of the circuit breaker in time, and ensure the normal operation of the power system.

This article starts with the advantages and research status of the circuit breaker monitoring system, analyzes and investigates the development process and results of the international and domestic circuit breaker monitoring system, and analyzes some basic principles and faults of the circuit breaker, and then analyzes the circuit breaker status. In the monitoring content, the online monitoring of the mechanical characteristics of the circuit breaker and the online monitoring of the temperature signal are described, and the basic methods used in the current circuit breaker fault diagnosis are analyzed. Carry out the overall design of the circuit breaker condition monitoring system, analyze the data acquisition circuit used in the system, the block diagram of the condition monitoring system platform and the function of the entire online monitoring system.

Keywords:High voltage circuit breaker,Condition monitoring,Fault diagnosis


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.2 断路器状态监测技术国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本文研究主要内容 2

第二章 高压断路器原理及故障分析 3

2.1 高压断路器介绍 3

2.1.1 高压断路器主要结构及各结构作用 3

2.1.2 高压断路器的分类 3

2.2 高压断路器相关技术参数 4

2.3 高压断路器常见故障及因素 5

第三章 高压断路器在线监测及故障诊断 6

3.1 高压断路器机械特性在线监测原理 6

3.1.1合(分)闸线圈电流在线监测 6

3.1.2行程-时间特性曲线在线监测 7

3.2 高压断路器温度信号在线监测 9

3.3 高压断路器故障诊断基本方法 9

第四章 高压断路器状态监测系统设计 11

4.1 高压断路器状态监测系统总体设计 11

4.2状态监测系统数据采集电路 11

4.2.1合(分)闸线圈电流采集电路 11

4.2.2行程曲线信号采集电路 12

4.3 高压断路器状态监测系统介绍 13

第五章 结论及展望 15

5.1 结论 15

5.2 展望 15

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

第一章 引言

1.1 课题研究背景



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