
 2022-05-23 08:05


摘 要




The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of different grounding modes on VHVDC systems. For is now widely used in this paper the principle of flexible HVDC system based on MMC has carried on the simple induction, lists the five kinds of grounding mode is commonly used in practical engineering at present, their principle is studied, and the structure and scope of application, and their relevant model was established based on PSCAD/EMTDC, the simulation experiment and a detailed theoretical analysis, research various grounding methods and validated using the flexible HVDC system based on MMC under all kinds of steady state and transient conditions due to the difference of the choice of grounding method runtime while under the influence of the relevant situation. In addition, through simulation experiment and theoretical analysis, this paper also studies the component parameters of the grounding device selected in each grounding mode, so as to study the appropriate grounding device parameters in practical engineering. The research in this paper provides simulation and theoretical support for the selection of practical engineering grounding mode. After the above research, this paper comes to the conclusion that in the flexible HVDC transmission system, the choice of ac side grounding is generally the more ideal choice in most cases, while for some special projects, the choice of dc side grounding is relatively better.

KEY WORDS: VSC-HVDC; Modular multilevel converter; Grounding method; PSCAD/EMTDC

目 录

摘要 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 基于MMC的柔性直流系统原理 2

1.2.1 基本拓扑结构 2

1.2.2 换流器结构及原理 3

1.2.3 模块化多电平换流器的控制策略 5

第二章 基于MMC的柔性直流系统的接地方式的建模仿真 8

2.1 基于MMC的柔性直流系统的接地方式 8

2.1.1 直流输电线路经过大电阻接地 8

2.1.2 直流输电线路经过大电容接地 8

2.1.3 交流阀侧接地电抗器中性点经过大电阻接地 9

2.1.4 变压器阀侧绕组经大电阻接地 10

2.1.5 直流中性母线直接接地 10

2.2 仿真系统的搭建 11

第三章 接地方式对系统运行性能的影响研究 13

3.1 仿真实验方案制定 13

3.2 接地方式中的接地装置参数对系统性能的影响 13

3.2.1直流线路接地电阻对系统性能的影响 13

3.2.2直流线路接地电容对系统性能的影响 14

3.2.3交流阀侧接地电抗器与接地电阻对系统性能的影响 14

3.2.4接口变压器星型阀侧中性点接地电阻对系统性能的影响 15

3.3 接地方式对稳态性能的影响 15

3.4 接地方式对暂态性能的影响 18

3.4.1 交流电网单相接地故障 18

3.4.2 交流电网三相短路故障 24

3.4.3 直流极线单极接地故障 26

第四章 总结与展望 28

4.1 总结 28

4.1.1 参数选取的相关结论 28

4.1.2 稳态性能相关结论 29

4.1.3 暂态性能相关结论 29

4.2 展望 30

参考文献(References) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………30

致谢 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………33


1.1 引言

由于电力电子技术的飞速发展,高压大功率的全控电力电子器件(IGBT, IGCT)不断演进,为柔性直流输电(VSC-HVDC)提供了更良好的发展环境,使之在工程上运用越来越多[1]。VSC-HVDC主要特点是:广泛使用脉宽调制(PWM)技术、电压源换流器和自关断器件。与传统的基于电流源型的直流输电系统(LCC-HVDC)相比,VSC-HVDC有着谐波含量低,能向无源电力网络供电,不会换向失败,站间无需通信并易构成多端的直流输电系统等优点[2-4]。因此特别适合于大型风电场(尤其是海上风电场)等可再生能源并网、向无源网络供电、城市电网供电、异步交流电网互联等场合。它是高电压大容量直流输电的重要发展方向,与此同时它也将成为未来我国大范围电网相互连通的重要手段[5]

柔性直流输电技术可分为两代,主要区别在于换流器技术的的发展,第一代技术主要为两电平或三电平换流器,在实际工程上,该技术的缺陷在于制造难度大,功率器件的开关频率高,导致其损耗很大;第二代技术则进行了改进,采用了模块化多电平换流器(modular multilevel converter, MMC),子模块常采用半桥式结构,换流阀由子模块逐级串联构成,无需IBGT直接串联运行,因此降低了元器件制造上的困难,开关频率相对传统的基于电压源型的直流输电系统也较低,所以其开关损耗也很低[6-7]。由于第二代技术目前已广泛运用于实际工程,新建的柔性直流输电工程大多已采用此技术,故本课题主要针对基于MMC的柔性直流系统进行研究。


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