
 2022-08-09 09:08


摘 要





Because the electromagnetic pulse will cause great harm to the electronic device, it is extremely important to carry on the transient electromagnetic field radiation sensitivity test to the electronic device. In order to test transient electromagnetic field radiation sensitivity of small and medium-sized equipment, we must first form a standard transient electromagnetic field pulse waveform. The main task of this graduation project is to design the structure of the transmission line of the field strength forming device. Since the existing test systems of this type are basically designed abroad, the relevant test data is relatively small, so much work is in exploring. Read all types of literature and data and various standards, specify the applicable scope, limits, and test methods of the RS105 transient electromagnetic radiation sensitivity test. At the same time, the calculation methods for the characteristic impedance of various NEMP simulators are also found.

This paper analyzes the influence of the aspect ratio of the transmission line of the test system and the forward and backward transition sections on the system characteristics. At the same time, a method of using HFSS software to simulate and analyze this type of transmission structure is explored. These dimensional parameters are analyzed using the function of the HFSS parameter scan analysis. The effect of the change on the simulation results (VRWR, TDR impedance). The mechanical structure considers the design of the entire test system support structure and the matching impedance mounting structure. At the same time, a large-scale finite element analysis software ANSYS is used to analyze the stress and strain distribution of the important components through statics simulation to ensure their reliability. Finally, a three-dimensional model of the entire transmission line structure was established in the CATIA software.

KEY WORDS: Transient electromagnetic field, Transmission line structure, HFSS simulation, Characteristic impedance


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 2

1.1 电磁脉冲及其模拟器技术 2

1.1.1 高空核电磁脉冲(HEMP) 2

1.1.2 HEMP模拟器 3

1.2 主要研究任务 4

1.3 瞬态电磁场辐射敏感度测试系统 5

第二章 瞬态电磁场辐射敏感度测试系统总体方案确定 7

2.1 三角形传输线与平行板结构 7

2.2 系统主要组成 8

2.3 双指数脉冲形成原理 9

2.4 瞬态电磁场辐射敏感度测试系统电磁特性分析方法 13

2.4.1 测试系统的电流分析 13

2.4.2 测试系统产生的瞬态电磁场 16

第三章 测试系统结构设计 17

3.1 瞬态电磁场辐射敏感度传输线设计 17

3.1.1 国外现有的测试系统的结构尺寸 17

3.1.2 传输线结构高宽比及其特性阻抗 18

3.1.3 前后过渡段设计 19

3.2 测试系统地平面 20

3.3 终端匹配阻抗设计 20

3.3.1 阻抗匹配 20

3.3.2 终端负载数值计算 20

3.3.3 终端阻抗安装结构设计 21

3.4 测试系统间隔距离 23

3.5 传输线结构三维图 24

第四章 传输线结构的仿真分析 25

4.1 测试系统的电磁仿真分析 25

4.1.1 仿真模型的建立与设置 25

4.1.2 参数扫描 27

4.2 测试系统相关零件的ANSYS仿真分析 31

4.2.1 受力的理论计算 31

4.2.2 零件的有限元分析 32

第五章 总结与展望 34

致谢 35

参考文献 36



随着科学技术水平的进步,大量的电子设备进入我们人类的生活中;当今时代又是各种电子、电气设备高速更新换代的时代,大量的电子设备和计算机,固体部件和存储原 应用于国防军工、民用服务设施中,由此引发的电磁辐射、电磁干扰、电磁兼容方面的问题也愈发严重。电磁脉冲有很多种:比如雷电电磁脉冲(LEMP)静电放电(ESD)、核电磁冲(HEMP),大功率的开关器件在启动和停止过程中也会产生电磁脉冲。“电磁脉冲的作用的时间短、能量大、幅值高,在频域上通常可以覆盖从几赫兹到几百兆赫兹的范围[1]。”电磁脉冲可以通过线缆、天线、缝隙等耦合到设备内部,对设备的正常工作造成了严重的危害[2]。因此从理论、实验、数值模拟三个方面深入研究具有重要的意义。对于电磁脉冲危害的加固、防护措施不仅在国防上有重要地位而且在航天科技和国民经济许多部门也同样不可忽视[3]



  1. HEMP特性

HEMP的主要特点是场强高、频谱宽和高场强覆盖区域广。对于大当量核爆炸HEMP场的峰值幅度可达V/m. HEMP的波形可以用时间的双指数变化给出。上升时间10ns,衰减时间取决于爆炸装置发射的γ射线的持续时间,场强衰弱到1/e约需几百纳秒。



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