
 2022-05-26 09:05


摘 要







Research on Longitudinal Speed Planning Algorithm of Virtual Orbit Intelligent Electric Vehicle

02015132 Chi Peng

Superviser: Wang Jinxiang


The Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit (ART) is a new type of urban vehicle. For ART, it is important to perform speed planning to achieve stable operation, as it not only defines the speed and acceleration of the vehicle to track the target path but also affects the energy consumption and demanding time. Therefore, it is meaningful to study a reasonable speed-planning algorithm. In this paper, a longitudinal speed planning targeting ART is proposed based on the dynamic programming algorithm, and the algorithm is simulated by Matlab/Simulink simulation software. The main research contents are as follows:

A longitudinal dynamics model of the target intelligent electric bus is established in the paper, and its basic parameters and the formulation of traction force during its driving process are determined.

The dynamic model of longitudinal velocity is established in the paper, in which stage division method and target state variables and decision variables are determined. In addition, the comprehensive index function based on energy consumption and time is derived. Finally, the main procedures for solving the dynamic programming model are determined.

The speed-planning algorithm for different situations as traffic lights, obstacle avoidance and pure pursuit is derived, and the maximum speed limit of the vehicle when turning is specified.

The speed-planning algorithm is simulated using Matlab/Simulink, and the result showed that the algorithm can meet different working situations.

KEY WORDS: Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit, Longitudinal dynamics, dynamic programming, speed planning, Matlab

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2无人驾驶中的关键技术 2

1.3纵向车速规划研究现状 4

1.4本文主要研究内容及结构安排 6

第二章 车辆模型的建立 7

2.1车辆纵向动力学模型 7

2.2本章小结 8

第三章 纵向速度规划算法的设计与实现 9

3.1动态规划算法简介 9

3.1.1动态规划算法综述 9

3.1.2动态规划算法的一般建模步骤 9

3.2动态规划模型的搭建 11

3.3基于动态规划的速度规划的模型求解 13

3.3.1汽车速度规划优化目标函数 13

3.3.2约束条件 14

3.3.3动态规划过程的求解过程 15

3.4特殊工况下的速度规划问题 16

3.4.1汽车通过红绿灯时的速度规划算法 16

3.4.2车辆转弯工况下的速度规划算法 18

3.4.3车辆跟车工况下的速度规划算法 19

3.4.4 避障工况下的速度规划算法 19

3.5 本章小结 20

第四章 速度规划算法仿真 21

4.1速度规划算法流程图 21

4.2速度规划算法的仿真分析 23

4.2.1仿真条件的设定 23

4.2.2一般情况下的速度规划算法仿真 23

4.3特殊工况下的速度规划算法的验证分析 25

4.3.1红绿灯路口时的速度规划仿真分析 25

4.3.2避障情况下的速度规划仿真分析 27

4.3.3整体算法的仿真分析 27

4.3.4跟车情况下的速度规划仿真分析 28

4.3.5传统S形速度规划算法及其仿真对比 29

4.4本章小结 30

结 论 32

参考文献 33

致 谢 35

第一章 绪论



路面有轨电车虽然建设时间和建设成本都优于地下轨道交通,但其仍然无法缓解目前由于日益增长的汽车保有量而产生的城市路面交通的交通拥堵问题。据有关数据显示, 2018年全国机动车保有量已经增长到了3.27亿辆,其中汽车就高达2.4亿辆;机动车驾驶人员4.09亿人,其中汽车驾驶人员3.69亿人[2]


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