小货车设计-- 离合器方案及离合器操纵装置设计

 2023-01-05 09:01


摘 要

小型货车的离合器操纵装置一般为人力液压传动,操纵踏板的力量经由两个直径不同的油缸(似油压千斤顶)放大,与机械操纵比较,有着结构简单,总体体积小,布置灵活,踏板操纵轻便等诸多优点,使其成为多种中小型车选用的通用部件,对离合器操纵装置的改进与创新也使源源不断。在汽车的传动系统中离合器作为传递与切断动力的主要装置,它是汽车非常重要的部件,它可以是汽车起步平稳,确保传动系统的传动系统在最大转矩上平稳、变速,以防止传动系统过载。该设计根据主要车辆的基本参数,确定离合器的类型,确定操纵装置各零部件与布置方案连接方案,绘制草图。根据设计要求确定主要参数离合器传动容量、分离轴承的作用推力、踏板操纵力、操纵装置传动比、传动油缸直径D1及D2 、踏板工作行程以及离合器自由行程、 完成离合器操纵装置必要的校核计算、绘制总成装配图、部件工作图、零件工作图。


Design of clutch scheme and clutch control device


The clutch control device of a minivan is generally a manual hydraulic drive. The force of the pedal is amplified by two cylinders of different diameters (like an oil Jack). Compared with mechanical manipulation, it has a simple structure, a small overall volume, and a flexible arrangement. The advantages of pedal handling and portability make it a common component of many small and medium vehicles, and the improvement and innovation of clutch handling device also make a continuous stream. In the transmission system of the automobile, the clutch is the main device to transfer and cut off the power. It is a very important part of the automobile. It can be used to make the automobile start smoothly, ensure the transmission system of the transmission system to be stable in the maximum torque, and change the speed. To prevent overloading of the transmission system. According to the basic parameters of the main vehicle, this design determines the type of clutch, determines the connection scheme between the parts of the control device and the layout scheme, and draws a sketch. According to the design requirements to determine the main parameters of clutch transmission capacity, separation of bearing action thrust, pedal control force, control device transmission ratio, transmission cylinder diameter D1 and D2, Pedal working stroke and clutch free stroke, complete the clutch control device necessary check and calculation, draw assembly drawings, parts working drawings.

Keywords: clutch control device, Control transmission ratio, Drive hydraulic cylinder


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1.1小货车离合器操纵装置介绍 1

1.2常用类型的特点比较 1

1.2.1机械式操纵机构 1

1.2.2液压式操纵机构 2

1.2.3助力器的应用 2

1.2.4气压式操纵机构 3

1.3操纵机构的工作原理 3

第二章 离合器选择方案 4

2.1 离合器的基本组成 4

2.2离合器方案确定(周置螺旋弹簧离合器) 4

2.3离合器传动容量计算 5

2.4离合器摩擦片外径D、内径d、厚度b、擦片的摩擦因数确定 6

2.5离合器压盘分离载荷的计算 7

第三章 离合器及操纵装置 8

3.1 所设计车辆主要数 8

3.2根据设计数据要求,确定主要参数: 8

3.3 操纵机构的传动比 8

3.4踏板纵力的计算及校核 10

3.5传动油缸的功用以及内径D1及D2的确定 10

3.5.1传动油缸缸内径D1、D2 10

3.5.2主缸活塞杆外径d1 11

3.5.3液压缸缸筒的长度确定 11

3.5.4液压缸筒壁厚校核 11

3.6主要零部件的作用及尺寸确定 12

3.7踏板工作行程及离合器自由行程的计算及校核 12

3.8分离轴承推力 12

3.9总动比计算及校核 12

第四章 零件的结构设计材料选择与安装说明 14

4.1活塞的常用材料 14

4.2活塞杆 14

4.3液压缸缸体 14

4.4分离杠杆 14

4.5分离叉 14

4.6踏板的材料选择 14

总结 16

致 谢 17

参考文献 18

第一章 引 言





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