基于OPENGL ES的三维地形数据重构及可视化

 2022-09-26 02:09


摘 要

三维可视化技术作为一项近些年来新兴的图像处理技术,如今已然成为了计算机图形学领域的研究热点之一,并且在航行模拟、GIS、游戏娱乐、城市整体规划等应用场合有着非常重要的价值。本文的研究方向为基于OpenGL ES的三维数据重构及可视化,结合了当下地理信息学科和计算机图形学的前沿技术,具有重要研究意义。

本项目的具体研究内容是设计一个软件,主要分为地形数据读取、点、、三维地形渲染四个技术方向。对于地形数据的读取,本文采用的是栅格型DEM,其数据结构简单明了,十分适合计算机处理操作。在点云精简的技术方向上,本文研究并且改进了,得到了较好的精简效果。对于三角剖分算法的实现,本文采用的是经典的Bowyer-Watson算法,该算法简单高效,十分适合二维坐标系下的三角剖分。最后,在对于三维地形渲染的技术方向上,本项目充分依托于OpenGL ES强大的图形渲染能力,对三维地形模型进行、、剪切以及光照等处理,实现了数字地形的三维可视化。在三维地形模型绘制完成之后,项目中还增加了可变换角度观察地形的功能,使整个三维可视化软件的设计趋于完整。

从软件运行的结果来分析,本文得出了以下几点结论:(1)对原始地形数据采用基于点法向量的的精简算法,减少了地形数据冗余,使得三角剖分的速度更快,加载渲染图形的效率更高;(2)对于地形地表这种特殊的点云数据类型而言,三维坐标系下点云的三角剖分,可以降为二维坐标系下的平面三角剖分,这很大程度上减小了三维点云剖分的难度,提高了软件的效率;(3)OpenGL ES强大的纹理映射和光照处理,使得生成的三维模型的效果十分逼真。

关键字:点云精简,Delaunay三角剖分,OpenGL ES ,Android


As a research hotspot in the field of computer graphics, 3D terrain visualization is attracting more and more attention. 3D terrain visualization has great development potential and wide application space in flight simulation, GIS, entertainment and game, city designing and so on. The research direction of this paper is 3D data reconstruction and visualization that based on OpenGL ES. It is of great significance that combines the current geographic information and computer graphics cutting-edge technology.

The research content of this paper is to design a three-dimensional terrain software, which is divided into four technical directions: reading terrain data, simplifying the point cloud, delaunay triangulation and rendering 3D terrain. For the terrain data reading, this paper chooses the GRID DEM. It looks simple and clear, and it’s very suitable for computer processing operations. In the meantime, this paper studyed and improved the point cloud simplify algorithm that based on normal vector, and getting a good effect. For the realization of the delaunay triangulation, this paper adopts the classical Bowyer-Watson algorithm, which is very simple and efficient, and it is suitable for two-dimensional system. At the three-dimensional terrain rendering, this paper is based on OpenGL ES’s powerful graphics rendering ability, texture mapping, projecting, cutting and lighting the surface triangulation, to achieve the digital terrain visualization. After finishing the 3D terrain model, the ability to observe the terrain at different angles was increased, and it made that the design of the software tends to be complete.

From analyzing the results of software running, this paper draws the following conclusions: (1) The reduction of terrain data redundancy by using the point cloud simplify algorithm makes the triangulation faster, and making the rendering more efficient. (2) For the terrain point cloud, the triangulation in the three-dimensional coordinate system can be reduced to the plane triangulation in the two-dimensional coordinate system, Which greatly reduces the difficulty of 3D point cloud triangulation and improves the efficiency of the software; (3) OpenGL ES’s powerful texture mapping and light processing makes the three-dimensional model very realistic.

KEY WORDS: point cloud thinning,Delaunay triangulation,OpenGL ES,Android

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 论文工作内容以及结构 2

第二章 数字地形表面模型 4

2.1 数字地形模型 4

2.2 数字高程模型 4

2.3 数字高程模型的三种表示方式 5

2.4 本章小结 6

第三章 点云数据处理 7

3.1 点云精简 7

3.1.1 点云精简算法概述 7

3.1.2 基于点法向量的点云精简算法 10

3.2 三角剖分 11

3.2.1 Delaunay三角网概述 12

3.2.2 Delaunay三角剖分 12

3.2.3 Bowyer-Watson算法的实现 14

3.3 算法运行结果分析 14

3.4 本章小结 16

第四章 OpenGL ES三维显示技术 17

4.1 OpenGL ES基本概念 17

4.2 三维图形变换 18

4.2.1 几何变换 18

4.2.2 投影变换 19

4.2.3 视图变换 19

4.3 光照模型和纹理映射 20

4.4 本章小结 22

第五章 软件的设计与实现 23

5.1 软件架构及功能 23

5.2 代码结构 24

5.3 各模块的实现 25

5.3.1 地图数据读入 25

5.3.2 数据预处理 25

5.3.3 三维显示 27

5.3.4 可视化操作 27

5.4 本章小结 28

第六章 总结与展望 29

6.1 本文总结 29

6.2 展望 29

参考文献 30

致 谢 31

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究目的和意义



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