
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 项目背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外发展的现状 1

1.3 本文的主要研究内容 2

1.4 论文结构 2

第2章 相关理论和技术分析 3

2.1 微信小程序 3

2.1.1 微信小程序概述 3

2.1.2 微信小程序开发环境 3

2.1.3 微信小程序框架 4

2.1.4 微信小程序组件和API 5

2.2 微信小程序的SSHE框架 6

第3章 需求分析与设计 6

3.1 需求分析 6

3.1.1 可行性分析 7

3.1.2 系统用户角色设计 8

3.1.3系统需求分析 9

3.2 系统总体设计 11

3.2.1 系统物理设计 12

3.2.2 系统项目结构设计 12

3.3系统功能模块的设计 14

3.3.1用户登录模块 14

3.3.2新闻文本资讯设计 15

3.3.3 新闻视频资讯设计 15

3.3.4 我的小说模块设计 16

3.3.5 我的电影模块设计 17

3.3.6 我的收听模块设计 17

3.3.7 我的中心模块设计 18

3.4 系统接口设计 18

3.5 系统界面设计 18

3.6 本章小结 19

第 4 章 系统实现与测试 19

4.1 系统测试目的与原则 19

4.2 首页新闻列表及详情界面 20

4.2.1 新闻列表功能设计 20

4.2.2 新闻的模糊搜索 21

4.3 新闻详情界面设计 22

4.4 视频播放功能模块 23

4.4.1视频播放列表 23

4.4.2 视频详情页面及弹幕功能实现 24

4.5电影与小说功能模块 24

4.5.1我的小说搜索 24

4.5.2 我的电影 26

4.6 我的个人中心模块 27

4.7 我的收听模块 28

4.8系统评分 28

第5章 总结和展望 29

5.1 总结 29

5.2 展望 29

参考文献 30

致谢 31



, China

Abstract: In the background of media diversification and social enrichment, the form of the news media has changed greatly, not only to meet the basic functions of the users, but also to realize the social nature of the news media.In the process, the concept of new media is pouring into people's daily life. Compared with the traditional media such as newspapers and TV, the biggest feature of the new media is to get the convenience of the news. Whether it is through WeChat, or through micro-blog, or through some portal, we can get the news information we want to inquire. Among the multimedia, WeChat has made it possible for WeChat based news small programs to be designed and developed because of its massive user and social features.The design and implementation of news client based on WeChat mini program can maximize the effectiveness and real-time performance of news news users. In addition to the bloated occupancy of the traditional news app application in the memory of the mobile phone, the WeChat mini program is an application based WeChat, that does not need to be downloaded and installed, so for developers, it also avoids the maintenance cost of the news app cross platform, and reduces the cost of human power and time. For users, the WeChat mini program has an independent ecology, which brings excellent experience for the seamless use of cross platform applications, in which the application interface is more abundant and the cost of use is lower than the original app. The implementation of this system adopts the wxml architecture, and the development of the WeChat mini program is mainly used for the development of the client. During the development process, a lot of third party tools provided by WeChat, such as WeChat map, WeChat sweep and third party data source API, will be invoked. The information interaction between the front end of the WeChat mini program and the third party server side, using the Json data format for data transmission, and using the Memcache cache system to speed up the access to the database

Key words: news client;WXML; WXSS;JavaScript; WeChat mini program.

第1章 绪论

1.1 项目背景和意义



1.2 国内外发展的现状





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