基于龙芯2k1000 SoC芯片嵌入式系统快速启动设计

 2022-05-17 09:05


摘 要




关键词: linux,启动优化,pmon,内核裁剪,根文件系统


The embedded Linux operating system is stable and efficient. The Linux operating system is completely open source, free and has a wide range of application support software. Therefore, more and more applications are in cloud computing, servers and some intelligent networking devices. With the advent of the 5G era, the Internet of Things and the era of Internet of Vehicles, IoT devices and consumer electronics based on the Linux kernel will become more and more popular, and the Linux operating system will be more widely used in the embedded field.

The paper mainly analyzes the startup process of the Loongson embedded system and optimizes the time-consuming part of the startup. The main work includes the construction of the development environment, the analysis and optimization of the pmon phase, the analysis and optimization of the kernel startup, the production of the root file system, and finally the verification on the Loongson 2k1000 processor. The optimization scheme is mainly to optimize the three phases of the startup process. In the pmon phase, the pmon is configured, tailored and code optimized. The kernel phase is mainly through cutting the kernel, presetting lpj, optimizing kernel parameters and other schemes. The file system aspect is mainly optimized by making a root file system.

The optimized system was verified on the Loongson 2k1000 development platform, and the startup time was increased from 68 seconds before optimization to 39 seconds, which was a good indicator of the project.

keyword: linux,booting optimization,pmon,kernel clipping, root file systems

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景与研究意义 1

1.2 嵌入式系统快速启动研究现状 1

1.3 课题研究内容与目标 2

1.4 论文结构 3

第二章 龙芯开发环境搭建与介绍 4

2.1 交叉编译工具环境搭建 4

2.1.1 交叉编译器 4

2.1.2 交叉编译工具安装 5

2.2 pmon开发环境搭建 5

2.3 内核开发环境搭建 6

2.4 根文件系统制作环境搭建 7

2.5 本章小结 8

第三章 龙芯pmon分析与优化 9

3.1 Pmon结构 9

3.1.1 pmon目录结构 9

3.1.2 Targets目录组成 10

3.2 Pmon启动分析 10

3.2.1 pmon-运行框架 10

3.2.2 pmon-汇编部分启动流程 11

3.2.3 pmon-C代码部分启动流程 12

3.2.4 pmon阶段耗时分析 13

3.3 pmon优化 14

3.3.1 pmon conf文件配置 14

3.3.2 减少pmon阶段串口冗余信息打印 15

3.4 本章小结 15

第四章 内核启动分析与优化 16

4.1 内核启动流程 16

4.1.1 内核启动流程图 16

4.1.2 内核启动流程分析 17

4.1.3 内核阶段耗时分析 18

4.2 内核配置与编译 18

4.2.1 内核配置过程分析 18

4.2.2 内核配置选项简介 19

4.2.3 内核编译过程 20

4.3 内核启动优化 21

4.3.1 内核裁剪 21

4.3.2 预设lpj 21

4.3.3 内核参数优化 22

4.3.4 关闭串口控制台 23

4.4 本章小结 23

第五章 龙芯文件系统分析与根文件系统制作 24

5.1 基于systemd操作系统的用户空间启动流程 24

5.1.1 Syatemd与system V区别 24

5.1.2 基于systemd的linux启动流程 24

5.2 文件系统的优化分析 24

5.3 根文件系统制作 25

5.3.1 根文件系统目录组成与介绍 25

5.3.2 根文件系统制作 26

5.4 本章小结 27

第六章 启动时间测试与对比 28

6.1 启动时间测量工具 28

6.2 优化前后启动时间的测量与对比 29

6.3 本章小结 30

第七章 总结与展望 31

7.1 总结 31

7.2 展望 31

参考文献 32

致 谢 33





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