
 2022-04-02 10:04


摘 要







With the development of the Internet industry, many Internet products will establish an information platform in the name of the company or in the name of a third party, in order to obtain more customers and improve the conversion rate of customers. The platform can explain and introduce their products with information and the knowledge of related fields to achieve the purpose of selling their products. The online article editing platform was born based on this demand. Develop an article editing platform which meets the various needs of operators and facilitate the online editing of operators will greatly improve the conversion rate of customers and reduce operating costs.

The main task of the project in this paper is to design and develop a complete online article editing platform, and deploy the platform to the online environment after completing functional testing and performance testing. To complete this, this paper is intended to illustrate and introduce the specific ideas of the design and development of the project. The focus of the design is on how to design a simple and efficient database, how to design the compliance of each module and how to efficiently meet the product specifications. The focus of development is mainly on the developing the modules in the existing framework.

This project mainly uses the LNMP framework and the MVC model. In addition, many of Baidu's own frameworks (such as AP) have contributed to the development.

The project has completed major development and testing and has been running online for some time. By the end of this conference, the project has completed a comprehensive article editing platform that integrates online editing, saving, reviewing, online to different platforms, offline, automatic crawling and so on. And the performance of all features meets the original design criteria.

KEY WORD: online article editing, MVC mode, LNMP framework, SQL injection, database

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1项目背景 1

1.1.1问题定义 1

1.1.2可行方案 1

1.1.3方案实现 2

1.2项目概述 2

1.2.1项目简介 2

1.2.2 项目价值 2

1.3本文内容 2

第二章 基础知识 4

2.1 LNMP框架 4

2.1.1 Nginx服务器 4

2.1.2 PHP编程开发语言 4

2.2 MVC模式 5

2.3 AP框架 5

2.4自然语言处理 7

2.5本章小结 7

第三章 需求分析 8

3.1功能需求分析 8

3.1.1 网页交互需求 8

3.1.2 后台功能需求 10

3.1.3 安全功能需求 10

3.2 性能需求分析 11

3.3 本章小结 11

第四章 概要设计 12

4.1 模块设计 12

4.1.1 系统整体架构 12

4.1.2 主要模块概要 13

4.2 数据结构设计 14

4.3 本章小结 15

第五章 项目详细设计与模块实现 16

5.1 项目开发环境及应用部署 16

5.1.1 硬件环境 16

5.1.2 软件环境 16

5.1.3 项目部署及启动 16

5.2 Nginx模块 16

5.3 Article模块 17

5.3.1 文章的生命周期 17

5.3.2 新建文章 18

5.3.3 删除文章 20

5.3.4 查询文章 22

5.3.5 文章检测 23

5.4 Delivery模块 24

5.4.1 主要渠道 24

5.4.2 投放文章 24

5.4.3 下线文章 26

5.5 其他模块详细设计 28

5.5.1 Media素材管理模块 28

5.5.2 运营用户模块 31

5.5.3 其它模块补充 32

5.6 安全模块设计 32

5.6.1 AP框架的用户鉴别插件 32

5.6.2 A层的请求字段规范性检查 33

5.6.3 签名 33

5.6.4 安全模块设计小结 34

5.7 数据库设计 34

5.7.1 Article表的设计 34

5.7.2 Delivery表 35

5.7.3 Media表和User表 36

5.8 本章小结 37

第六章 项目测试 38

6.1 功能测试 38

6.2 性能测试 41

6.3 本章小结 41

第七章 总结与展望 42

7.1 项目总结 42

7.2 项目展望 42

参考文献 44

致 谢 45


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