
 2022-01-26 12:01


摘 要






At present, with the development of Web programming language, traditional Web programming languages such as. asp,.NET due to its logic more chaotic, code reusability is poor or expand such disadvantage, have gradually been eliminated, JSP due to its relatively high development costs and barriers to and other reasons, more suited to the development of large scale Web sites. In comparison, PHP due to its lightweight structure and its convenience to learn,, low cost, and to respond quickly to changes in demand and other advantages, suitable for rapid development of small and medium sized applications.

In traditional of PHP page development in the, front-end program and Hou end program of code are to writes current with a file, this looks different of development personnel will needs waiting other completed respective corresponding stage of task Hou only can continues to development, using homemade template class, put front-end and Hou end program separation out, achieved program logic and user INTerface development of separation, makes before and after end of development personnel while for, improve has development efficiency.

This paper mainly discusses the brand campaign website using a template development implementation processes. Main package template class library for creating, requirements analysis for a single specific brand activities, as well as the detailed design and implementation of the main module. Develop software tools used in development, we are mainly Dreamweaver,Photoshop, used in the development of language including js,CSS and HTML, front-end and back-end PHP.

Keywords: front-end development, back-end development, branding initiatives,PHP, template


摘 要 II

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 5

1.1引言 5

1.2论文组织结构 5

1.2.1流程分析 5

1.2.2具体需求分析 6

1.2.3系统设计思想 7

1.2.4活动设计分析 7

1.2.5活动功能分析 7

1.2.6整体结构 8

第二章 系统相关技术概述 9


2.2 PHP MYSQL技术介绍 10

2.2.1 PHP简介 10

2.2.2 MYSQL简介 10

2.2.3运行环境及软硬件要求 11

2.2.4 appesrve的配置及其安装 11

第三章 需求分析和总体设计 11

3.1系统需求及功能 11

3.2系统总体设计 12

第四章 详细设计 13

4.1功能模块设计 13

4.1.1登陆注册模块设计: 13

4.1.2邀请模块设计 14

4.1.3发表宣言模块设计: 16

4.1.4游戏机会获取机制模块设计 16

4.1.5游戏获取积分模块设计 17

4.1.6活动照片模块设计: 19

4.1.7系统后台管理模块设计 20

HYPERLINK \l "_Toc263508311" 4.1.8规则和奖品展示模块设计 20

4.1.9 个人中心模块设置 20

4.1.10 推广模块 21

4.1.11系统优化模块 21

4.1.12系统展望扩展模块的设计 21

第五章 系统测试及运行结果 21

5.1系统测试 21

5.2 运行结果 22

5.2.1静态页面模块的展示结果 22

5.2.2图片文章的运行结果 22

5.2.3登陆注册模块的运行结果 24

5.2.4发表宣言模块运行的结果 25

5.2.5活动抽奖的运行结果 26

5.2.6推广模块的运行结果 28

5.2.7后台管理模块的运行结果 29

5.2.8复制邀请的运行结果 30

第六章 总结与展望 32

6.1论文总结 32

6.2 工作展望 32

致 谢 34

参考文献(References) 35

第一章 绪论


目前国内网站的一种主要的盈利模式是通过访问量和点击率来获取广告的投放,特定类型的网页吸引相应的用户受众群体,而商家看中这群受众的消费喜好或需求,向这些网站投放广告资源以达到推广品牌,出售产品或服务从而盈利,而网站通过为这些品牌制作出可视的展示。这是一种最为最主要最常见的网络在线盈利模式,国内的翘楚当推新浪、网易,腾讯 等大型门户网站。



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