
 2022-10-10 07:10


摘 要





Due to the rapid increase of vehicles on road, it gives pressure to the road regulation, so intelligent transportation system is applied to more scenes. Among them, License plate location, the first step of License plate recognition, is the key step of intelligent transportation system. The effect of location have a great influence on the result of recognition directly. Now, the license plate location algorithms have reached high rate of location, but the robustness is not good and the performance is also barely satisfactory, especially in the case such as: bad weather, road background clutter, the lack of light, improper perspective, partial shade, etc.

In this paper, we proposed license plate location algorithm which has a good accuracy in complex environment based on the further study and research on existing license plate location algorithm and combine the concept of machine learning: firstly, the algorithm gets the collection of license plate candidate area by using the color character of license plate, then train the decision tree by characteristics which are extracted from pure license plate images, finally get the location by using decision tree to choose the true location from the collection. This algorithm that makes good use of leaning ability of decision tree can improve the robustness in complex environment during the training process and is more suitable for changeable environment. Finally, our algorithm is simulated by using the Opencv library and selects 100 license plate images which are two types: white words on blue background and black words on yellow background under different complex background, eventually can be able to achieve 80% accuracy.

Keywords: license plate location、HSV color space、vertical edge character、decision tree

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 引言 1

1.1 项目背景 1

1.2 国内外车牌定位技术发展概况 1

1.3本文主要研究工作 2

1.4本文的组织结构 3

第二章 本文算法相关技术综述 4

2.1 决策树 4

2.1.1 特征选择 4

2.1.2 决策树生成 5

2.1.3 决策树剪枝 6

2.2 HSV颜色空间 6

2.3 边缘特征 7

第三章 车牌图像预处理工作 11

3.1 灰度化 11

3.2 滤波去噪 11

3.3 图像增强 12

3.4 二值化 14

第四章 车牌定位算法的研究 16

4.1 获得车牌候选区域 16

4.1.1 车牌颜色阈值的确定 17

4.1.2 车牌候选区域集的提取 17

4.2 构建决策树模型 19

4.2.1 车牌特征属性的选择 19

4.2.2 决策树生成 21

4.3 测试决策树模型 23

4.4 定位结果及分析 23

第五章 总结与展望 25

5.1算法总结 25

5.2算法展望 25

参考文献 26

致 谢 27

第一章 引言

1.1 项目背景



1.2 国内外车牌定位技术发展概况

有关国外的发展,R.Mollut等人[2]设想了3种作用于车牌和集装箱号码的定位方法,其主要是利用车牌字符纹理特征。Arya P. Unnikrishnan等[3]结合遗传算法和车牌的颜色特征,提出两种新的交叉算子,有效地提高了定位的速度。Tindall [4]针对英国车牌照特点根据车牌照反射光这个现象设计了一个车牌识别模型,能够较为准地捕获位置并识别到五种样子的英国车牌照。Arulmozhi K 等[5]提出了一种基于质心的霍夫变换倾斜检测方法;Christos Nikolaos E. Anagnostopoulos 等[6]提出了基于滑窗和连通域分析的车牌定位方法; Young Sung Soh研究了一种具有实时性的车牌识别系统,其中涉及到的车牌定位率达到99.2%之高。J.A.G. Nijhuis[7]等人使用神经和模糊技术提高了CLPR系统的可靠性,可以达到98.51%的识别率。新加坡公司Optasia公司自己研发的IMPS(Integrated MultiPass System State of the Art Vehicle License Plate Recognition System),引入多通道方法在车牌识别模型中应用的高性能鲁棒系统。其可在多样天气条件下,不论于白天或于晚上,自主获得车牌照边界并准确判断车牌照字符,使用继承多通道方式、神经网络判断器等。


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