
 2022-08-15 09:08


摘 要




The Design and Implementation of Hybrid System in Activity Area and Tasks Flow Based on iOS Client

71113135 Wan Houhong

Advisor: Yang Guanyu


Hybrid App development model is a combination of Native App and Web App, based on the good user experience of native App with the help of Web App’s advantages in cross platform. To some extent, it solves the problem of high cost and lack of flexibility in the development of native App, and avoids the disadvantage of Web App in the performance experience, which must depend on the browser and can not be used under the line. Recently, as Internet products become more complex, some of the company's pure native applications are mostly in the direction of hybrid applications closer. It has been difficult to distinguish to the user experience. This will not only reduce the development effort, but also improve the flexibility of the application.

This design is based on the existing foundation of the iOS client of Kaixindai Financing Services Jiangsu Co., Ltd, and the hybrid framework is designed to achieve the company's marketing business department’s needs of the marketing activities and edge business development. Basing on the hybrid framework, it’s using native platform(iOS) to build the key pages and interactive pages in the project, and it is also in the form of embedded Web pages to support flexible business needs and non-mainstream business expansion. It is under the premise of dependence on native development and emphasizing the user experience, and it also meets the requirements of our company at this stage for the development of business and the requirements of business content to quickly update the iterative.

Key words: iOS, Hybrid framework, native, Web page, front-end

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景 1

1.2课题研究现状 1

1.3课题设计主要目的和内容 2

第二章 Hybrid框架及系统设计 3

2.1系统架构 3

2.2组件关系 3

2.3功能设计 4

2.3.1功能模块划分 4

2.3.2功能概述 5

第三章 Hybrid框架及系统的实现 12

3.1iOS原生平台各模块的实现 12

3.1.1设计模式 12

3.1.2开发规范 14

3.1.3原生页面布局框架 14

3.1.4网络库的封装 16

3.2Hybrid框架开发实现 18

3.2.1原生WebView组件的封装 18

3.2.2原生和网页双向通讯的实现 20

3.3移动前端Web模块的实现 21

3.3.1与服务器交互实现 22

3.3.2前端开发框架 23

3.4成果输出 23

第四章 总结与展望 24

4.1总结 24

4.2展望 24

致 谢 25

参考文献 26

第一章 绪论


随着近来移动端智能设备普及率的提高,几乎每一个面向市场的互联网公司都拥有相应的手机端应用软件。而在各种移动智能终端中,苹果手机(iPhone)所搭载的iOS操作系统正在占据越来越多市场份额,甚至可以说苹果公司重置了大家对于移动终端设备用户体验的发展和期望[1]。现代互联网战争是一场关乎于高效开发、产品低成本上线、快速迭代的战争,如今的企业开发团队也都是针对上述问题在做着努力。如此一来,针对公司不同阶段的战略发展目标采取合理的开发模式就显得格外重要。基于iOS平台的移动应用在类型或者说开发模式上可以大致分为三种:原生应用(采用iOS标准SDK开发且运行于iOS原生平台的应用), 网页应用(运行于移动浏览器的应用),以及结合两者特点的混合开发产品——混合模式移动应用(Native Web)。

Native App是基于本地操作系统的运行的应用程序,针对于不同的操作系统需要采用相应的编程语言和框架进行开发[2],比如说iPhone需要iOS开发,而Android则是基于Java进行开发。因此不同的移动操作系统就意味着不同且独立的开发项目,这样一来投入代价大,开发成本高。同时,App功能更新的迭代版本的发布需要每次都向各个应用商店进行提交审核,欠缺灵活性。但是,原生应用同样有很多好处,它可以直接下载到设备上可线下使用,可访问手机所有软硬件设备功能,速度更快、性能高、整体用户体验好,同时支持大量图形和动画等等[3]


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