
 2022-06-23 07:06


摘 要




Smart transportation is an emerging concept. It integrates intelligent sensing technology, information network technology, communication transmission technology, and data processing technology represented by the Internet of things, the Internet, and cloud computing, and it is effectively integrated into the entire transportation system. Comprehensive transportation system that plays a role in a larger space-time range. Smart transportation is an important mode of development of large-scale traffic, which is characterized by the integration of information technology and comprehensive utilization of information resources. This is an important content of smart road network, smart travel, smart equipment, smart logistics, and intelligent management. Building smart transportation can promote the wide application of information technology in the areas of independent innovation in transportation, industrial development, public service, and social management, and can improve urban traffic conditions, maximize the effectiveness of urban traffic, and enable urban traffic to embark on scientific development. At present, many software companies are launching their own smart transportation solutions, and the search function plays an important role in the smart transportation system. This article focuses on ZTEsoft's smart transportation system. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the current popular open source search engine frameworks, Elasticsearch is selected as the basic technology. And for the actual needs of customers, through the study of the scoring principle of the Elasticsearch search results, through the re-development and parameter tuning, to meet the customization needs, to achieve a high-speed, efficient, highly scalable search engine.

KEY WORDS: Smart transportation, Elasticsearch,Search engine


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究现状 1

1.2.1 智慧交通系统研究现状 1

1.2.2 搜索引擎研究现状 2

1.3 研究意义 2

1.3.1 实现大数据储存 2

1.3.2 实现智能推荐 2

1.3.3 提高工作效率 2

1.4 论文组织结构 3

第二章 Elasticsearch搜索引擎框架的研究 4

2.1 Elasticsearch搜索引擎 4

2.2 索引组件 4

2.2.1 获取源数据 4

2.2.2 建立索引数据库 5

2.2.3 分析文档 5

2.2.4 索引文档 5

2.3 Elasticsearch基本概念 5

2.3.1 集群(cluster) 5

2.3.2 节点(node) 5

2.3.3 索引(index) 5

2.3.4 类型(type) 5

2.3.5 文档(document) 6

2.3.6 倒排索引 6

2.4 Elasticsearch的特点 7

2.4.1 Elasticsearch的优点 7

2.4.2 Elasticsearch与相关技术比较 7

2.5 本章小节 8

第三章 需求分析及系统概要 9

3.1 需求分析 9

3.2 系统架构 9

3.2.1 系统整体架构设计 9

3.2.2 搜索引擎模块设计 10

3.2.3 索引设计 11

3.2.4 前台展示及前后台交互设计 12

第四章 智慧交通搜索引擎的实现 13

4.1 部署环境 13

4.2 中文分词设置 13

4.3 建立索引 13

4.4 使用Java实现基本功能 14

4.4.1 连接Elasticsearch服务 14

4.4.2 向索引中添加数据 14

4.4.3 更新索引库数据 14

4.4.4 查询数据 14

4.5 实现查询结果评分 14

4.5.1 Elasticsearch查询结果评分原理 14

4.5.2 实现定制评分规则 16

4.6 开放功能模块实现 18

4.7 与智慧交通系统集成 18

4.8 开发自定义评分插件 18

4.8.1 开发评分插件的目的 18

4.8.2 开发自定义评分插件 18

4.8.3 安装插件 19

4.8.4 测试数据 19

第五章 总结与展望 22

5.1 项目总结 22

5.2 展望 22

5.2.1 实现“多数据融合” 22

5.2.2 实现“应用生态圈” 22

5.2.3 实现“关联信息推送” 22

致谢 23

参考文献 24






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