
 2023-01-28 09:01


摘 要

在现如今互联网时代,网络安全的重要性和实体空间重要性可以说是旗鼓相当。在进入互谅网时代后,网络慢慢成为了各个国家、各个行业的链接纽带,网络安全的重要性愈加突出。网络安全成为了新世纪新的一页,保卫网络的安全性迫在眉睫。本论文主要从ISO7层协议数据流层中三层物理层、数据链路层、网络层中排查企业网络错误。物理层:交叉线直连线的线序不对,网卡出现故障,设备接触不良,接口没有no shutdown打开设备接口,接口单双工不匹配,速率不一致等问题;数据链路层介于物理层和网络层之间,在为物理层提供服务基础上同时为网络层提供可靠传输数据到目标网络的服务,数据链路层典型的协议为ppp协议,在ppp配置中最常出现的错误,数据链路、参数(用户名、密码等)配置不当从而导致的链路无法ping通,帧中继配置中最常见的错误为封装类型不匹配;网络层常见错误:网络协议配置问题,需要访问的路由器地址、IP地址、子网掩码地址、网关地址、错误,show ip route中查询路由表要求路由器中路由目标网段、子网掩码、下一条可到达,ACL访问控制列表过滤了有效数据。


Research and Application of Enterprise Network Fault Detection and Removal


In today"s Internet era, the importance of network security and physical space can be said to be equivalent. After entering the era of mutual understanding network, the network has gradually become a link between various countries and industries, and the importance of network security has become increasingly prominent. Network security has become a new page in the new century, and the security of network is imminent. This paper mainly investigates enterprise network errors from three layers of physical layer, data link layer and network layer of ISO7 protocol data flow layer. Physical Layer: The sequence of cross-line direct connection is not right, the network card fails, the equipment contacts are not good, the interface does not shutdown to open the device interface, the interface does not match the single-duplex, the rate is not consistent, and so on. The data link layer is between the physical layer and the network layer, providing reliable transmission of data to the network layer on the basis of providing services for the physical layer. According to the typical protocol of link layer is PPP protocol, the most common errors in PPP configuration are the improper configuration of data links and parameters (username, password, etc.), which results in the link failing to ping. The most common errors in frame relay configuration are the mismatch of encapsulation type. The common errors in network layer are: network protocol configuration problems, router address, IP address and subnet mask that need access. Address, gateway address, error, query routing table in show ip route requires route target segment, subnet mask and next reachable segment in router. ACL access control list filters valid data.

Key words: routing;IP address;performance failure;network security;convergence network

目 录

摘要 I

abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 企业网络排错背景 1

1.2 企业网络排错的意义 1

1.3 企业网络排错系统概述 2

1.3.1 设计内容 2

1.3.2 故障排查应用程序 2

1.3.3 故障排查工具 2

第二章 技术概述 4

2.1 企业网络排错流程 4

2.2 企业网络排错方法 5

2.3 园区交换技术排错 6

2.3.1 vlan故障检测和排除 6

2.3.2 生成树故障检测和排除 8

2.3.3 第一跳冗余故障 9

2.4 路由排错 11

2.4.1 EIGRP故障检测和排除 11

2.4.2 OSPF故障检测和排除 11

2.4.3 路由重分发故障检测和排除 12

2.4.4 BGP故障检测和排除 13

2.5 网络性能排错 14

2.5.1 网络应用服务排错 14

2.5.2 交换机性能排错 16

2.5.3 路由器性能排错 17

第三章 仿真模拟器介绍 18

第四章 仿真环境下企业网络设计与搭建 19

4.1 拓扑设计图 19

4.2 研究设计要求 19

第五章 企业网络故障研究设计现象 20

5.1 研究设计结果排错 20

5.1.1 问题一:OSPF、EIGRP网路协议故障 20

5.1.2 问题二:BGP网络协议故障 24

5.1.3 问题四:VPN4 28

5.1.4 问题五:VRF 错误!未定义书签。

5.2 企业网络故障及讨论 30

5.2.1 故障排查预期结果 30

5.2.2 故障排查结果及总结 31

结束语 33

致谢 34

参考文献 35

附录 36

研究设计配置 36

1. R2BDR配置 36


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