
 2022-04-29 09:04


摘 要


第一章 绪论 7

1.1 研究背景 7

1.2文献综述 8

1.3研究意义 8

第二章 环境贸易壁垒的主要形式与内容 9

2.1环境贸易壁垒的基本概念 9

2.2环境贸易壁垒的产生原因 9

2.3环境贸易壁垒的表现形式 10

2.3.1绿色技术标准 10

2.3.2绿色卫生检验检疫 10

2.3.3绿色包装 11

2.2.4绿色反补贴 11

2.3.5绿色环境标志 11

第三章 我国农产品出口现状 11

3.1农产品范围界定与分类 11

3.2 我国农产品出口的贸易状况分析 13

3.2.1 我国农产品进出口现状 13

3.2.2中国农产品出口商品结构 15

3.2.3我国农产品出口的市场结构 16

第四章 环境贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响 16

4.1 我国农产品出口遭遇环境贸易壁垒的表现形式 16

4.1.1 严格农药残留限量标准 16

4.1.2繁琐的检验检疫措施 17

4.1.3苛刻的绿色标签和包装要求 18

4.2环境贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响分析 18

4.2.1对农产品出口类别的影响 18

4.2.2对农产品出口市场的影响 20

4.2.3对比较优势的影响 20

4.3中国农产品出口受阻环境贸易壁垒的影响因素 21

4.3.1国际因素 21

4.3.2国别因素 22

4.3.3国内因素 23

第五章 环境贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口影响的量化分析 24

——以食用蔬菜为例 24

5.1变量的选取和模型的构建 24

5.2实证结果分析 25

第六章 中国应对环境贸易壁垒的对策建议 26

6.1发挥政府的作用 26

6.1.1建立健全农产品质量管理体系 26

6.1.2加强对农业发展的支持力度 26

6.1.3 改善农产品出口商品结构和市场结构 26

6.2发挥出口企业的作用 26

6.2.1促进农产品科技研发,提高农产品质量 26

6.2.2树立品牌发展战略 27

结 论 27

致 谢 28

参考文献 29

摘 要



关键词:环境贸易壁垒 农产品 引力模型 对策建议


With the increasing integration of the world economy, countries are becoming more and more closely connected with each other and trade is increasing, which brings both opportunities and challenges to the economic development of all countries. Traditional trade tariff barriers in the current economic tide has become useless.In order to protect domestic industries, countries seek new means of trade protection. As the deterioration of ecological environment and frequent food safety problems, people's demands for green trade have become increasingly high, and green trade barriers have become an important means of trade protection in the new era. As the pillar industry of the national economy, agriculture has long been valued and protected by all countries, and naturally it has become a high incidence area of green trade barriers. Foreign trade rapid growth since China's accession to the WTO, there is no doubt also suffered in the process of the influence of green trade barriers. However, at present, China's agricultural science and technology level is low, the mode of production is relatively backward. Besides, the quality and safety standards of China's agricultural products export countries are the most severe in the world, which makes China's agricultural exports face great pressure.

This paper analyzes the performance of green trade barriers in the contemporary, and in view of the current situation of China's agricultural exports, evaluate the comparative advantage of China's agricultural products with the application of index evaluation method. On this basis, the situation of China's encounter with green trade barriers and the reasons for the encounter with trade barriers are analyzed, and the impact of green trade barriers on the export of agricultural products is analyzed quantitatively based on the case of the export of edible vegetables to Japan. Finally, according to the above research, some Suggestions are put forward to improve the competitiveness of China's agricultural products, which has reference significance for China's export of agricultural products and the avoidance of green trade barriers

Key words:Environmental Trade Barriers Agricultural Product


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