
 2022-11-17 03:11


摘 要




Research on the influence of opinion leaders on consumers' purchase intention in e-commerce live broadcast


With the maturity and perfection of network technology and mobile broadcast technology, network broadcast has become an important way for people to obtain information, meet their needs and seek social contact. Because more and more consumers chose what they will buy through the various sources of information to understand what the product or service information, electricity can live just for the consumer to create a vivid scene. In this case, consumers not only can see the most real effects of products in the process of life, also can join in the barrage real-time chat and other consumer interaction. In this way, while enhancing consumers' trust in products and services, it promotes consumers' purchase intention and behavior to some extent. However, at present, the opinion leaders' ability to recommend goods presents a "dumbbell" type of 2-8 seriously differentiated. So how to improve the influence of opinion leaders, thus gaining the loyalty of fans and obtaining a reasonable profit, is still a topic that needs to be discussed.

This paper combed related research about the consumer buying behavior and purchase intention, and select five characteristics of opinion leaders (professional degrees, profile, products involved people, interactivity, homogeneity), two characteristic of live content (quality, timeliness) and consumer attitudes (trust, perceived value) as factors. It explores the opinion leaders and content of influence on consumers' purchase intention, and puts forward the research hypothesis. After that, this paper collected sample data through online questionnaire survey to conduct data analysis on effective data. Finally, based on the research results, this paper proposes relevant opinions and Suggestions for opinion leaders, so as to improve user satisfaction.

Key words: E-commerce live broadcast; Opinion leaders; Trust; Perceived value; Purchase intention

目 录

摘 要 2

Abstract 3

第一章 绪 论 5

1.1 研究背景 5

1.2 研究意义 5

1.3 研究内容及方法 6

1.4 论文框架 6

第二章 相关文献综述 7

2.1电商直播的相关研究 7

2.2意见领袖的相关研究 7

2.3电商环境下消费者购买意愿影响因素的相关研究 7

2.4本章小结 8

第三章 研究假设 9

3.1 概念模型的构建 9

3.2 变量定义与研究假设 9

3.2.1 意见领袖特征 9

3.2.2 发布内容特征 10

3.2.3 消费者感知价值 10

3.2.4 消费者的信任 10

第四章 问卷设计与调查 11

4.1 变量的测量 11

4.2 问卷设计 12

4.3 数据收集情况 12

第五章 数据分析与收集 13

5.1 描述性统计分析 13

5.1.1基本信息 13

5.1.2 对电商直播意见领袖的基本认知和态度 14

5.1.3 观测变量的描述统计 16

5.2 信度分析 17

5.3效度分析 17

5.4 相关性分析 21

第六章 决策与建议 23

结 论 25

致 谢 26

参考文献(References) 27

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


互联网和直播技术已日趋成熟,网络直播作为人们获取信息、寻求社交以及满足需求的重要方式,已经成为人们日常生活的一部分了。QuestMobile的《2019直播 X洞察报告》显示,截止到2019年6月,网络直播用户规模已经突破4.33亿,内容涉及到购物、娱乐、教育、社交、出行以及旅游。“直播 ”模式在商业模式中广受欢迎,影响在用户生活的方方面面,包括他们的消费趋向。多个商业巨头打造自己的直播平台,利用本身的用户流量来进行商业推广,取得了良好的效果。从某种角度上来说,传统意义上抢占流量红利的模式需要改变,行业需要新的发展渠道。“直播 电商”模式为各行各业带来了新的机遇。电商直播逐渐成为主流消费方式之一,极大的提升了电子商务的盈利潜力。


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