
 2022-11-17 03:11


摘 要




Research on the influencing factors of users' willingness to use "Jingdong home"


Fresh e-commerce platform, as an e-commerce platform that has just started in recent years, its development speed far exceeds many people's expectations. At first, fresh e-commerce is not favored by the mass market. They think that consumers are more inclined to buy fresh products as necessities of life, because the long-term habit determines that consumers are more willing to believe that they see them offline As for the quality of our products, we are still worried about the risks of online products. Computer mobile phone is becoming more and more popular. With the development of Internet, more and more consumers choose to buy online or online on simultaneous interpreting. Fresh food e-commerce has many advantages that traditional e-commerce does not have. With the improvement of people's living standard, more and more people have more and more demands for the quality of life. However, the contradiction is that modern people live too fast and work too busy. Even if they want to cook for their own health, they do not have time to go to the food market to select the ingredients. Finally, they can only choose Take-out food. The advantages of fresh e-commerce are reflected at this moment. Users only need to place orders on mobile phones, fresh agricultural products will be delivered to consumers, and they can choose the right time to deliver according to the arrangement of consumers.

Based on the sample of JD home fresh e-commerce platform, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of JD home users' willingness to use, constructs an indicator system of users' willingness to use, issues questionnaires through the network platform, and analyzes the difference adjustment questionnaire, and finally gives reasonable suggestions to improve the users' willingness to use JD home platform.

Keywords: Fresh; E-commerce; usage intention; influence factor

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1生鲜电商的文献综述 3

2.2用户使用意愿的文献综述 4

2.3文献综述小结 5

第三章 京东到家平台用户使用意愿的影响因素 6

3.1京东到家的简介 6

3.2 影响京东到家平台用户使用意愿的相关指标 6

3.2.1平台的生鲜品质 6

3.2.2平台的线上服务 6

3.2.3平台的线下服务 7

3.2.4用户的感知成本 7

3.2.5用户的感知风险 7

3.3使用意愿模型的假设 8

3.4使用意愿理论模型图 9

第四章 京东到家平台用户使用意愿调查 10

4.1 调查的对象与方法 10

4.2样本的数据统计 10

4.2.1用户个人基本信息特征统计 10

4.2.2 数据统计小结 11

第五章 京东到家平台用户使用意愿的例证分析 12

5.1 信度检验 12

5.2 效度检验 12

5.3适配度拟合结果 14

5.4模型假设检验结果 14

5.5研究结论 15

第六章 提升用户使用意愿的建议 16

6.1 提升平台产品质量 16

6.2 降低用户风险感知 16

6.3 提高线上服务质量 16

6.4 提高线下服务质量 16

6.5 降低用户感知成本 17

结 论 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 20

附录:调查问卷 21


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