
 2022-11-16 10:11


摘 要



本研究查阅大量关于用户体验及智能家居的文献资料,分析全屋智能家居的发展现状。以Whitney Quesenbery的5E模型为基础,参考Shahrokh Nikou的实证假设,结合全屋智能家居用户体验设计理论,构建全屋智能家居用户体验指标体系,并由此生成影响因素模型,提出合理假设。在此基础上,本研究围绕有效性、吸引力、易学习、容错、使用效率五大因素,操作体验、功能体验、使用强度、信任体验、实用性、交互体验、感官体验、享乐性、学习成本、错误防范、错误控制、效率、效果13个细分因素,以海尔全屋智能家居为研究对象,设计问卷,并借助SPSS21.0验证问卷信效度,分析各因素的相关性,最后以用户体验最终评价为解释变量对各影响因素做回归分析,最终得出结论:有效性、吸引力、易学习、容错、使用效率五大因素及其细分因素对用户体验均存在正向影响,在有效性因素中,用户使用全屋智能家居产品的操作体验、功能体验、使用强度对用户体验最终评价的提高有显著影响;在吸引力因素中,用户使用全屋智能家居过程中获得优质的交互体验和感官体验能显著提高用户体验感受;容错因素中,全屋智能家居产品对失误操作提供有效的错误控制能够有效提高用户体验。



Analysis of User Experience of the Whole House Smart -- Take Haier as An Example


With the advent of the Internet era, China has entered into an era of the experience economy. It is closely related to information technology and electronic connections as an integral industry. On the knowledge market in the whole home, we introduce modern technologies, and are in the field of in-line network and cloud computing. Artificial intelligence forms a new home management format.

Due to advanced technology and convenient operation, all spaces provide consumers with new residence permits for the smart housing market. As a new industry, however, the user's experience is not yet mature and there are many flaws in design and product interaction. Analyzing the present situation of the whole house smart home user experience, paying attention to its influencing factors, and exploring the key factors to improve the whole house smart home user experience are of great significance for studying its future development prospects and promoting the healthy development of the whole house smart home industry.

This study examines a large number of documents about the user experience and smart home, and analyzes the development status of the whole house smart home. On the basis of the whitney quesenbery 5E model, referring to the empirical hypothesis of the shahrokh nikou and combining with the whole house smart home user experience design theory, the whole house smart home user experience index system is constructed, and the influence factor model is generated, and the reasonable hypothesis is put forward. Based on this, this study focuses on five factors: effectiveness, attractiveness, easy learning, fault tolerance and efficiency of use, operation experience, functional experience, use intensity, trust experience, practicability, interactive experience, sensory experience, hedonic, learning cost, error prevention, error control, efficiency and effect. Finally, it is concluded that the three factors of effectiveness, attractiveness, fault tolerance and their subdivision have positive effects on the user experience. With an efficient factor, the strength of work experience, work experience, and home user use has an important significance in improving the user experience.

Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions for the whole house smart home in three aspects: operation experience, function experience and error prevention and control.

Keywords: Whole House Smart Home; Haier; User Experience; Influencing Factor

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 2

1.1 研究背景与意义 2

1.1.1 研究背景 2

1.1.2 研究意义 3

1.2 研究目的 3

1.3 研究内容及研究方法 4

1.3.1 研究内容 4

1.3.2 研究方法 4

1.4 研究思路及框架 4

第二章 文献综述 6

2.1 用户体验研究综述 6

2.2 智能家居研究综述 6

2.3 小结 8

第三章 全屋智能家居发展现状及问题分析 9

3.1 全屋智能家居发展现状概述 9

3.1.1 全屋智能家居发展现状 9

3.1.2 全屋智能家居的技术基础 9

3.1.3 全屋智能家居的竞争优势 10

3.2 全屋智能家居存在的问题 12

3.3 全屋智能家居的发展前景 13

3.4 小结 13

第四章 全屋智能家居用户体验指标体系与模型假设 14

4.1 用户体验及其影响因素 14

4.1.1 用户体验 14

4.1.2 用户体验的影响因素 14

4.2 全屋智能家居用户体验设计原则 15

4.3 全屋智能家居用户体验评价指标体系 16

4.4 全屋智能家居用户体验评价指标描述 17

4.5 构建模型及提出假设 18

4.5.1 研究模型 18

4.5.1 研究模型 19

第五章 实证研究 21

5.1 问卷设计与发放 21

5.1.1 问卷设计 21

5.1.2 问卷发放与回收 22

5.2 数据分析 22

5.2.1 基本信息描述分析 22

5.2.2 信度效度检验分析 24

5.2.3 相关性分析 25

5.2.4 线性回归分析 26

5.3 小结 28

第六章 结论与建议 29

6.1 研究结论 29

6.2 建议与展望 30

致 谢 31

参考文献 32

附录 33

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景

电子信息科技、物联网技术高速发展的今天,全屋智能家居作为新兴产业正以崭新的姿态出现在消费者眼前。如图1.1是2012年至2014年全球智能家居市场的规模以及对未来三年市场规模的初步预测。艾瑞咨询发布的《中国智能家居行业研究报告 2018年》指出,截至2018年底,中国智能家居市场的出货量达到1.5亿台,同比增长高达35.9%[11]。智能家居作为物联网技术领域的新生力量,正蓬勃发展,相关领域关键技术的革新进步不断推动其市场的发展,产量提高、产品创新的智能家居产业逐步走进大众的生活中。

图1.1 全球智能家居市场规模及预测(2012-2017)


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