
 2022-10-26 11:10


摘 要

互联网 时代,020( Online To Offline)电子模式的快速发展带来了巨大的变革,越来越多的传统行业借助互联网实现了二次突破,中国古话说民以食为天,作为传统行业中的中流砥柱,餐饮业和互联网的结合碰撞出了激烈的火花。与其他服务业相同,顾客满意度是直接决定其未来发展的决定性因素。本文通过调查分析探究影响顾客满意度的相关因素,并提出有建设性的对策。



The Study on Customer Satisfaction Degree of Online Takeaway in O2O  —Take "E LE ME" As An Example


In the Internet era, the rapid development of the 020 (Online To Offline) electronic model has brought huge opportunities and challenges to the catering industry. The 020-based catering outlet has become a key area for catering companies to focus on and develop after the group purchase. According to the latest release of imedia Research, the size of China's online ordering market reached 166.24 billion yuan in 2016, with a growth rate of 23.1%. The satisfaction degree of customers in the consumption process has an important influence on the development of the catering and take-out industry under the 020 mode. Therefore, the customer satisfaction evaluation model of the catering system in the 020 mode is established, and the suggestion of improving the customer satisfaction of the 203 delivery mode is proposed through empirical analysis. With countermeasures, it is of great significance to the development of the catering and take-out industry under the 020 model.

Based on the research status of catering and take-out industry in 020 mode, this paper constructs a customer satisfaction evaluation model for catering and take-out in 020 mode, and empirically analyzes the indicators that affect the satisfaction of catering and take-out customers under 020 mode, and proposes corresponding suggestions and countermeasures. The research includes the following aspects.(1) Based on the literature analysis of relevant research results at home and abroad, combined with the characteristics of catering and take-out under 020 mode, the customer satisfaction evaluation model of catering and take-out in 020 mode was constructed, including 12 categories of 12 satisfaction evaluation indicators.(2) Using the online questionnaire survey method to investigate the customer satisfaction of catering take-out, and finally recover 102 valid questionnaires, the overall satisfaction is satisfactory.(3) According to the results of empirical analysis, the company proposes targeted and applied business strategies for catering and take-out enterprises under 020 mode, which greatly improves customer satisfaction and effectively improves the core competitiveness of catering enterprises.

Keywords: 020 Mode; Food and Beverage Takeaway; Customer Satisfaction; Case Analysis

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的和意义 1

1.3 研究内容和方法 1

1.3.1 研究内容 1

1.3.2 研究方法 2

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 相关文献综述 3

2.1满意度的概念与理论 3

2.2 O2O模式含义及其用户满意研究现状 3

2.2.1 O2O模式的含义 3

2.2.2 O2O平台用户满意研究现状 3

2.3小结 4

第三章 O2O外卖平台用户满意度影响因素 5

3.1 用户满意度影响因素 5

3.1.1服务本身的属性 5

3.1.2客户期望与实际服务差距 5

3.1.3服务者提供的服务差距 5

3.2 O2O模式下餐饮外卖的流程及特点 6

3.2.1 020模式下餐饮外卖的流程 6

3.2.2 020模式下餐饮外卖的特点 6

3.3 O2O外卖平台满意度影响因素 7

3.3.1易用性 7

3.3.2信息质量 7

3.3.3隐私和安全 7

3.3.4可靠性 7

第四章 饿了么用户满意度调查分析 8

4.1问卷设计与发放 8

4.1.1问卷设计 8

4.1.2问卷发放与回收 8

4.2 调样数据分析 8

4.2.1 受众人群分析 8

4.2.2平台口碑及接受度分析 9

4.2.3平台人员服务质量分析 10

4.2.4平台隐私安全性分析 11

4.2.5平台用户用餐意见反馈便利度分析 12

4.3“饿了么”存在的问题及对策 13

4.3.1“饿了么”平台面临的问题 13

4.3.2对策 14

第五章 O2O平台满意度提升策略 16

5.1进一步加强食品安全卫生控制 16

5.2特别日优惠吸引消费者 16

5.3价格优惠的可持续发展 16

5.4服务与便利程度稳中求升 16

5.5加强平台与商家投诉处理的能力 16

第六章 结 论 17

致 谢 18

参考文献 19

第一章 绪 论



020即“Online To Offline”,其含义是线上到线下,就是把线上的消费者带到现实中去,用户在线上进行选择和支付,到线下去享受服务,这个概念最早来源于美国。020的概念非常广泛,只要产业链中既涉及线上,又涉及到线下,就可通称为020。


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