
 2022-09-22 02:09


摘 要











Taking Jiangsu P2P network loan platform as the research object, this thesis explores the current situation of the development of P2P network lending platform in Jiangsu Province, and puts forward the main problems of the development of P2P network lending platform in Jiangsu Province, and tries to find the methods and strategies to promote and supervise the development of P2P network loan platform in Jiangsu Province,on the basis of analyzing domestic and foreign P2P development experience.The text of this article will have five parts:

The first part expounds the writing background, the practical significance, and discusses the methods and process of the thesis;

The second part analysis Jiangsu network lending platform development status and summarizes the status quo through the network Loan Home data;

After the above analysis, The third part further analyze the causes of this phenomenon, and find out the main problems of the development of P2P network loan platform in Jiangsu Province, and then analyze the causes of these problems;

The fourth part, combining literature and specific cases, introduces the main experience of P2P lending platform development at home and abroad, as well as research results at home and abroad;

The fifth part, combining the above conclusions and the factors of economic education development in Jiangsu Province, puts forward the countermeasures to promote the development of P2P network lending platform in Jiangsu province;

The sixth part, combining the conclusions obtained above and the factors of economic education development in Jiangsu Province, puts forward the countermeasures to further supervise the development of P2P network lending platform in Jiangsu Province.

The seventh part summarizes the thesis, and looks forward to the future development of P2P network lending platform in Jiangsu Province.

Key words: P2P network lending, development status, countermeasures and suggestions;

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.4.1国内研究现状 2

1.4.2国外研究现状 3

第二章 江苏省P2P网络借贷平台发展的基本现状 4

2.1 江苏省网络借贷平台发展现状 4

2.2 江苏省网贷平台的主要模式 4

2.2.1纯中介模式 4

2.2.2债权转让模式 5

2.2.3有担保的中介模式 5

2.2.4抵押物模式 5

2.3江苏省P2P网贷平台发展的特点 5

2.3.1利率水平逐渐降低 6

2.3.2贷款期限先增加再减少 6

2.3.3成交量和贷款余额波动不大 7

2.3.4行业人气持续增高 8

2.3.5地域差异明显 9

2.3.6问题平台占比相对较高 9

2.4江苏省P2P网贷平台生存的政策环境 10

第三章 江苏省P2P网络借贷平台发展的主要问题 11

3.1监管不到位 11

3.2马太效应明显 12

3.3投资人的水平不够高,理性程度不足 13

3.4平台较为零散,缺乏合作 14

第四章 国内外P2P网络借贷平台发展经验 15

4.1国外P2P网贷平台的发展经验 15

4.1.1Lending Club的经营环境 15

4.1.2Lending Club的经营模式 15

4.2国内P2P网贷平台的发展经验 16

4.2.1拍拍贷的经营模式 17

4.2.2拍拍贷模式的优缺点 17

4.2.3拍拍贷的经营环境 17

第五章 江苏省P2P网络借贷平台发展的推进对策建议 19

5.1加强投资人教育 19

5.2规范平台的利率确定方式 19

5.3成立平台合作互助组织 20

5.4细化平台业务分类,鼓励平台特色化发展 20

5.5加快互联网金融人才培养 21

第六章 江苏省P2P网络借贷平台发展的监管对策建议 22

6.1制订全面的P2P行业规范法规 22

6.2加快社会征信体系建设 23

6.3严格监督P2P网贷平台披露信息 23

第七章 结论 26

参考文献 27

第一章 绪论

1.1 选题背景


1.2 研究意义


1.3 研究方法


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