
 2022-02-13 06:02


摘 要







Research on Traffic Safety Impact by Urban Street-Side Parking

—— Taking Nanjing as an example


With the accelerating urbanization process in China and growth in disposable income of urban residents in recent years, our country encourage car into the family .Due to the increase of motor vehicles, urban roads are used as compelling parking places. Now how to set up roadside parking spaces in a reasonable way and what impact it has on traffic safety is still unknown.. This study aims to survey how street-side parking influence the traffic safety. Finally how to properly set up parking spaces will be concluded.

Against this background, first a qualitative analysis was conducted.

Then we visited several people associated. Questionnaires in the street was sent and the data were analyzed. The views of residents on Nanjing street parking from the data were understood by us. Then the Nanjing Traffic Management Bureau was visited to know the accident data.

Five cases were summed up through visiting and gathering information. The street parking issues were studyed in a deep way through these cases.And then the improvement measures were proposed to solve these problems.

Finally, the impact of urban street-side parking on traffic safety is concluded.The conclusion of this paper has a certain reference value for improving the safety of street-side parking.

Key words :Street-side parking ; Parking demand ; Management planning ;Traffic safety ; Effect ; Research analysis ; Nanjing

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 IV

第一章 绪论 1

1.1背景 1

1.2研究意义 2

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1国外研究现状 2

1.3.2国内研究现状 4

1.4研究内容 6

第二章 路边停车对交通安全影响分析 8

2.1路边停车主要类型 8

2.2从法律层面对路边停车分析 9

2.2.1路边停车法律法规 9

2.2.2路边合法停车对交通安全的影响 11

2.2.3路边违法停车对交通安全的影响 12

第三章 路边停车调查研究 13

3.1调查内容和方法 13

3.2调查地点的选择 13

3.3问卷调查分析 14

3.4路边收费员采访分析 17

3.5事故调查分析 18

3.6 灰度预测模型分析交通事故数据 20

3.6.1 灰度预测模型简介 20

3.6.2 灰度预测建模步骤 21

3.6.3模型预测 24

3.6.4 GM(1,1)模型具体代码 25

第四章 路边停车场实例分析 29

4.1路边停车带规划形式 29

4.2路边泊车位设计流程分析 30

4.3 案例分析 31

4.3.1 案例1 广州路公交站台挤占实例 32

4.3.2 案例2 红庙地区不同形式停车位规划 32

4.3.3 案例3 成贤街慢车道入口处划分停车位 33

4.3.4 案例4 青岛路同一条街道停车两极现象 34

4.3.5 案例5 学校周边机动车长时间占据临时停车位现象 34

4.4改善路边停车问题现状的建议 35

4.4.1 泊位共享措施 35

4.4.2 对临时停车采取按时收费措施 36

4.4.3 采用咪表收费 36

4.4.4 加强路边停车管理 37

第五章 总结 39

5.1 成果 39

5.2 展望 41

参考文献(references) 44

附录 47


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