
 2022-08-23 11:08


摘 要




连续配筋混凝土路面(Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement,简称CRCP)是一种在面层结构中配置纵向和横向钢筋,不设横向缩缝的水泥混凝土路面。在CRCP路面中由于配有足够数量的不间断的纵向钢筋,从而达到了控制混凝土中路面板因纵向收缩而产生的裂缝的宽度的目地。这很大程度上解决了普通混凝土路面结构由于横向接缝而引起的振动问题,使得路面的平整度以及行车舒适性得到大幅度提高。同时,减少了由于接缝引起的路面结构病害。CPCP路面结构的发展前景十分广阔。




The Structural Design and Crack Analysis of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement


Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) is a kind of high- performance concrete pavement which places enough longitudinal steels to control the expansion of cracks caused by shrinkage along pavement slabs. CRCP is one of the high performance pavement structures with enough continuous steel bars in the longitudinal direction and without joints in the transverse direction. Compared with JCP(Jointed Concrete Pavement). CRCP eliminates the vibration and noise caused by the joints, improves the pavement evenness, riding quality; at the same time, because of the absence of the joints, The road noodles disease harm caused by joints decrease significantly. So, CRCP is an ideal pavement structures of high-grade road.

In recent years, China's steel, cement industry production capacity in a surplus state. At the same time, China is a country that lacks oil. High quality low wax asphalt is heavily dependent on imports. In the construction of highway projects can be more use of CRCP, make full use of cement, steel resources, to ease China's steel and cement industry overcapacity problem. Steel slag can be used for pavement, will not produce mud, but the steel slag base will also produce cracks.

At first, this paper introduces research background, the present situation of CRCP research and application at home and abroad, and analyzes the action mechanism of CRCP from the perspective of mechanical properties. Then according to specifications of cement concrete pavement design for highway, it also tells the theory and method of CRCP design. Then with a better understanding of the design methods and principles of CRCP, an example is given according to the calculation steps and the relevant requirement. Finally, the CRCP crack formation mechanism and fracture morphology are focused analysis

Key words: Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement; Crack Analysis; Steel slag base


摘要 I

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究和发展概况 2

1.2.1 国外发展概况 2

1.2.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.3 设计路线与研究内容 3

第二章 连续配筋混凝土路面结构设计 5

2.1 板厚设计 5

2.1.1 基本原理 5

2.1.2 力学模型选着 5

2.2 板厚设计步骤 5

2.3 配筋设计 9

2.3.1 钢筋布置 9

2.3.2 纵向配筋设计 9

2.3.3 CRCP纵向配筋的具体流程 12

2.3.4 横向配筋 13

2.4 端部设计 14

第三章 CRCP结构设计实例 15

3.1 原始条件及数据 15

3.2 板厚设计 15

3.3 配筋设计 17

3.4 端部锚固设计计算 19

3.5 小结 22

第四章 CRCP板的裂缝分析 23

4.1 CRCP裂缝的形成机理 23

4.2 CRCP裂缝形态发展规律 24

4.3 CRCP横向开裂影响因素 24

4.4 CRCP裂缝控制 26

4.5 小结 27

第五章 钢渣基层裂缝分析 28

5.1 钢渣的基本性质 28

5.2 水泥稳定半刚性基层裂缝形成机理 29

5.3 钢渣基层的温缩和干缩特性 30

5.4 钢渣基层裂缝措施 30

5.5 小结 31

第六章 结语 32

6.1 结论 32

6.2 展望 32

参考文献 33

致谢 35





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