
 2022-07-10 07:07


摘 要


本文提出了将蓄能自发光技术运用到实际农村公路照明中的新思路。首先系统研究了不同种类的蓄能自发光材料和它们的适用范围。为了更加规范地设计自发光标识,归纳对比了现有的照度评价指标,用C 和matlab分别编写了计算照度的程序;由于项目依托于实际工程,在江苏宿迁已建成的运用自发光标识的路段进行了实地调研,对该路段所用材料和自主购入材料分别进行了试验分析,创新地提出了农村公路照明设计以诱导指引为主的新思路;在具体设计时,参考了相关规范,对应地调整相关参数以满足诱导指引的需要;为了得出相关参数对照明效果的影响,在照明模拟软件DIAlux、UC win Road和TracePro中建模分析;根据不同类型自发光标识的特点,在TracePro、UC win Road或DIAlux中建立了不同的模型,得出了不同形式的自光标识在各种大小的光通量下设置参数选取的参考值,对于实际工程具有借鉴意义。



With the accelerating pace of developing rural areas in China, the life of peasants has gradually increased, and the holding of motor vehicles has also shown an upward trend. At the same time, the corresponding traffic safety measures for rural roads have not yet been improved. At present, rural traffic accidents are rapidly growing and the form of traffic safety is severe. As an important safety and security measure in the transportation infrastructure, the traffic signs of China's rural roads are not only insufficient in luminous effect, but also the number of installations is not enough. When the light is insufficient at night, it seriously threatens the safety of drivers and pedestrians.

This paper proposes a new idea for applying energy storage self-luminescence technology to practical rural road lighting. First of all, systematically studied different types of energy-storing self-luminescent materials and their application. In order to design the self-illuminated signs more regulated, the existing illuminance evaluation indicators were summarized and compared, and programs for calculating illumination were written in C and matlab respectively. Since the project relied on practical projects, field investigations were conducted on the self-illuminated road sections in Suqian City, Jiangsu Province. The materials used for the road sections and self-purchased materials were tested and analyzed separately, and innovatively proposed a new idea of rural road lighting design mainly based on guidance; In the specific design, referred to relevant specifications, and correspondingly adapted the adjustment of related parameters to meet the requirements of the guidance. In order to obtain the influence of the relevant parameters on the lighting effect, analyzed by modeling in lighting simulation software DIAlux、UC win Road and TracePro, According to the characteristics of different types of self-luminous signs, different models have been established in DIAlux、UC win Road or TracePro, and reference values have been derived for different types of self-light signs in various sizes of luminous flux settings, which is of practical significance for practical projects.

KEY WORDS: Rural road lighting,Self-luminous material


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 3

1.1 农村公路发展概述 3

1.1.1 农村公路照明现状 3

1.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.2.1 国内研究综述 3

1.2.2 国外研究综述 3

1.3 本文研究的主要内容和技术路线 3

1.3.1 主要研究内容 3

1.3.2 技术路线 4

第二章 材料分类及调研实验 6

2.1 本章引论 6

2.2 蓄能自发光技术机理及材料 6

2.2.1 蓄能自发光技术简介 6

2.2.2 长余辉发光的机理模型 6

2.3 蓄能自发光材料的种类 6

2.3.1 荧光粉和发光石 7

2.4 现场调研与材料实验 8

2.4.1 现场调研情况 8

2.4.2 现场材料试验 13

2.5 农村公路视觉参照系重构思路 16

2.6 本章小结 17

第三章 照明评价指标与计算程序 18

3.1 本章引论 18

3.2 道路照明标准及关键参数 18

3.2.1 我国的道路照明标准 18

3.2.2 关键参数 18

3.2.3 照度与亮度的相互转化 18

3.3 《公路交通标志标线设置指南》 19

3.3.1 交通标志设置的支撑方式 19

3.3.2 安装高度 19

3.4 《蓄能自发光交通标识设置技术规程》(DB33-T975-2015) 19

3.4.1 诱导标志类型 19

3.4.2 间距及设置位置 21

3.5 《城市道路照明设计标准》(CJJ45-2006)[34] 21

3.5.1 机动车交通道路照明标准值 21

3.5.2 灯具布置方式、安装高度和间距 21

3.5.3 照明功率密度 21

3.6 照度计算程序 21

3.6.1 计算照度的C 程序 21

3.6.2 计算照度的matlab程序 21

3.7 本章小结 23

第四章 DIAlux模拟仿真 25

4.1 本章引论 25

4.2 灯具ies文件的修改 25

4.3 DIAlux建模过程 25

4.4 本章小结 30

第五章 TracePro模拟仿真 31

5.1 本章引论 31

5.2 TracePro建模过程 31

5.3 灯具光通量大小对照明效果的影响 35

5.4 灯具纵向间距对照明效果的影响 40

5.5 灯具高度对照明效果的影响 51

5.6 灯具尺寸对照明效果的影响 62

5.7 灯具布设列数对横向照明效果的影响 69

5.8 本章小结 71

第六章 自发光标识的设计 72

6.1 本章引论 72

6.2 附着式自发光标识的设计 72

6.3 示警柱的设计 86

6.4 指示标志的设计 90

6.5 本章小结 96

第七章 结论与展望 97

7.1 工作总结 97

7.2 主要创新点 97

7.3 后续研究工作与展望 98

致谢 99

参考文献 100

附录A 102

农村公路灯具ies文件 102

附录B 103


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