
 2022-07-06 01:07


摘 要




The multi-crack and strain-hardening behaviors of high ductility Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber-Engineered Cementitious Composites (PVA-ECC) can overcome the disadvantages of easy cracking and brittleness of concrete materials, but the high cost limits its application. Using domestic PVA fiber can greatly reduce the production cost of ECC. In this paper, the preparation technology of domestic PVA-ECC material was discussed from the aspects of raw material selection, parameters of mixing ratio design, mixing methods and so on. The influence of parameters such as fly ash content, water-binder ratio and PVA fiber content on the mechanical properties of PVA-ECC material was studied by uniaxial tension, four-point bending and cubic compressive tests. Compared the differences in the mechanical properties between the PVA-ECC material and the cement mortar with the same mix ratio. And the differences in microstructure between PVA-ECC and substrate were analyzed by X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) and Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP). The test results show that domestic PVA-ECC material has better mechanical properties than ordinary cement mortar. And the recommended mixing ratio is 80% fly ash content, 2.0% domestic PVA fiber volume content, 0.30 water- binder ratio and 0.36 sand- binder ratio, with comprehensive consideration of the influence of fly ash content, PVA fiber volume content and water-binder ratio on the mechanical properties of PVA-ECC material. The PVA-ECC material with this mixing ratio has a tensile strength of 2.402 MPa, a limit tensile strain of 3.69%, a compressive strength of 16.921 MPa, a bending strength of 14.807 MPa and a maximum deflection more than 29.332 mm in 14 days. The total porosity of the PVA-ECC material is about 10 to 20 times than that of the substrate without fiber, and it contains more big pores and fewer micro-pores. However, in the pore size range from 90.60~16163.82nm, the pore size distribution of PVA-ECC is more uniform than that of the substrate.

Keywords: high ductility cementitious composites; domestic; mixture ratio; mechanical properties; micro-structure


摘要 III

Abstract IV

第一章 绪论 7

1.1 研究背景与意义 7

1.2 研究现状及存在的问题 8

1.2.1 概述 8

1.2.2 国内外研究现状 9

1.2.3 ECC设计原则 11

1.2.4 大掺量粉煤灰的优势 12

1.3 研究内容及技术路线 13

第二章 试验方案 14

2.1 概述 14

2.2 试验原材料 14

2.3 试件成型设备 17

2.4 配合比设计 18

2.5 试件成型方式 20

2.6 力学性能试验 22

2.6.1 单轴拉伸试验 22

2.6.2 四点弯曲试验 22

2.6.3 立方体抗压强度试验 23

2.7 微观结构观察 23

2.8 本章小结 23

第三章 国产PVA-ECC单轴拉伸试验 24

3.1 概述 24

3.2 加载过程 24

3.3 试验结果分析 25

3.3.1 PVA-ECC与普通水泥砂浆的拉伸力学性能对比 25

3.3.2 粉煤灰掺量对PVA-ECC拉伸力学性能的影响 26

3.3.3 国产PVA纤维掺量对PVA-ECC拉伸力学性能的影响 30

3.3.4 水胶比对PVA-ECC拉伸力学性能的影响 32

3.4 本章小结 34

第四章 国产PVA-ECC四点弯曲试验 36

4.1 概述 36

4.2 加载过程 36

4.3 试验结果分析 37

4.3.1 PVA-ECC与普通水泥砂浆的弯曲力学性能对比 37

4.3.2 粉煤灰掺量对PVA-ECC弯曲力学性能的影响 39

4.3.3 国产PVA纤维掺量对PVA-ECC弯曲力学性能的影响 40

4.3.4 水胶比对PVA-ECC弯曲力学性能的影响 42

4.4 本章小结 43

第五章 国产PVA-ECC立方体抗压试验 45

5.1 概述 45

5.2 加载过程 45

5.3 试验结果分析 46

5.3.1 PVA-ECC与普通水泥砂浆的抗压强度对比 46

5.3.2 粉煤灰掺量对PVA-ECC抗压强度的影响 47

5.3.3 国产PVA纤维掺量对PVA-ECC抗压强度的影响 48

5.3.4 水胶比对PVA-ECC抗压强度的影响 49

5.4 本章小结 50

第六章 微观结构分析 51

6.1 X射线断层扫描 51

6.1.1 原理概述 51

6.1.2 检测设备 51

6.1.2 CT扫描结果分析 52

6.2 压汞 55

6.2.1 原理概述 55

6.2.2 检测设备 56

6.2.3 压汞试验结果分析 56

6.3 本章小结 59

结论 61

致谢 63

参考文献 64

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

既有大量基础设施的建造所采用的多是混凝土材料,而混凝土的开裂及脆性极易导致结构的劣化和破坏。为有效解决这一问题,工程设计型纤维增强水泥基复合材料(Engineered Cementitious Composite, ECC)应运而生,其超高的延性克服了水泥混凝土材料脆性易裂的固有缺点,也为高延性水泥基材料的设计提供了一种合理可行的方案。


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