
 2022-06-28 10:06


摘 要



其次,采用HTML JavaScript CSS编写反应时间测试程序。以海拔为自变量,反应时间为应变量,于不同海拔下多次重复测量试验,获取驾驶员反应时间数据。





Stopping sight distance is an important design index that affects the road traffic safety. The reaction time is one of the driver's most important driving characteristics, which is related to the driver's psychological and physiological factors. Reaction time affects the stopping sight distance directly. China has largest population of people living on the plateau in the world. Previous studies have shown that the environment of plateau will affect the driver's psychological and physiological conditions, which are related to the driver's reaction time and stopping sight distance. Therefore, studying the reaction time of the drivers at different high altitudes can help to improve the stopping sight distance calculation model.

First of all, the presented thesis studies the braking process and existing model and analyzes the impact of drivers, vehicles, roads, and environment in road traffic systems on stopping sight distance.

Secondly, the thesis uses HTML JavaScript CSS to write a reaction time test program. The test which takes altitude as the independent variable and reaction time as the dependent variable were performed at different altitudes to obtain drivers’ reaction time.

Thirdly, the drivers’ reaction time tested at different altitudes were analyzed with mathematical statistics knowledge. The results show that different altitudes have a significant effect on reaction time, and there is a strong positive correlation between the altitude and reaction time. Regression analysis was used to obtain the regression equation of altitude and reaction time.

Finally, the thesis uses the driver's reaction time relating to altitude to develop the existing stopping sight distance calculation model. The comparison between the corrected stopping sight distance and existing stopping sight distance shows that there is not much difference between the length of stopping sight distance after correction in the plain area and stopping sight distance in the specification, and the length of stopping sight distance after correction in the plateau is slightly longer than it in the standard.

KEY WORDS: stopping sight distance, reaction time, plateau area

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 4

1.2.1 停车视距模型 4

1.2.2 高原环境对驾驶员的影响 5

1.2.3 反应时间的测量 6

1.2.4 视距模型修正 6

1.3 研究内容及技术路线 8

1.3.1 研究内容 8

1.3.2 技术路线 8

第二章 停车视距基础理论 10

2.1 停车视距及参数 10

2.2 停车制动过程 11

2.3 停车视距影响因素 12

2.2.1 驾驶员对停车视距的影响 12

2.2.2 环境对停车视距的影响 12

2.2.3 车辆对停车视距的影响 13

2.2.4 道路对停车视距的影响 13

2.4 本章小结 13

第三章 反应时间测试试验设计 14

3.1 试验内容 14

3.1.1 试验目的 14

3.1.2 试验假设 14

3.1.3 试验对象 14

3.1.4 试验地点 14

3.1.5 试验方法 15

3.2 试验网页 15

3.3 试验设计 19

3.3.1 试验要求 19

3.3.2 试验步骤 19

3.4 本章小结 20

第四章 反应时间测试试验数据分析 21

4.1 反应时间描述性统计 21

4.2 反应时间正态性检验 24

4.3 反应时间差异性分析 26

4.4 反应时间相关性分析 28

4.5 反应时间回归分析 29

4.6 本章小结 32

第五章 基于高原地区反应时间的视距模型修正 33

5.1 基于高原低压缺氧环境的视距模型修正 33

5.1.1 驾驶员制动反应距离 34

5.1.2 车辆制动反应距离 35

5.1.3 制动力上升阶段距离 35

5.1.4 车辆全制动距离 36

5.1.5 视距计算修正模型 36

5.2 停车视距计算修正模型应用 37

5.3 本章小结 37

第六章 总结与展望 39

6.1 总结 39

6.2 展望 39

参考文献 40

致谢 42

附录 反应时间测试网页代码 43

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

近年来,随着社会不断发展进步,公路运输在国民经济中的地位日益重要。面对国内改革发展稳定任务,国家对公路的投资建设力度不断增加,我国公路投资规模持续扩大。据交通部《2017年交通运输行业发展统计公告》[1],2013 - 2017年全国公路总里程及公路密度变化趋势如图1.1,到2017年末期,我国公路里程达477.35万公里,公路密度49.72公里/百平方公里,我国公路总里程及公路密度近五年内均保持持续增长。


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