
 2022-04-24 11:04


摘 要

论文作者签名 谭文哲 导师签名 高英 日期 2019.5.29

摘 要






This paper is based on the background of Pakistani Sino-US highway construction project undertaking, and makes a comparative analysis of the relevant norms on highway hydrology construction between China and the United States,in order to help Chinese enterprises better undertake Pakistani related engineering construction work and provide reference for the further revision of relevant norms in China.

In this paper, culvert is selected as the key research object in hydraulic calculation. The culverts designed by different normative design methods in China and the United States differ greatly in their applicability, safety and economy.

In this paper, the typical unconfined free-flow circular pipe culvert is selected as an example in the Chinese code. Taking the actual parameters of Pakistan project as the background, the hydraulic design calculation is carried out in accordance with the Chinese Highway Hydrological Code, and the design procedure of the Chinese code is further summarized. In the Chinese code, the flow state in the culvert is divided into three basic forms: pressure-free, semi-pressure and pressure, according to the hydrological strip. Firstly, an empirical coefficient is used to estimate the approximate range of pipe diameter, and then the flow state is checked to complete the checking calculation of the design scheme. In the United States, non-submerged circular culvert is used as an example for the design calculation under the same initial conditions, and the design procedures stipulated in the United States Code are summarized: the United States Code stipulates that the preliminary design scheme should be drawn up based on experience, and then the control calculation of the inlet and outlet should be carried out separately, and the larger values of the two and the allowable head height should be compared to revise the initial design scheme. Finally, this paper compares the design results between China and the United States, and analyses the difference of the results from three aspects: dimension, design method and type of intake.

KEY WORDS: Highway Hydrology, Design Specifications of China and the United States ,Flow State,Pressure free culvert,Aperture calculation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2中美设计规范概述 1

1.2.1中国公路水力计算规范概述 1

1.2.2美国公路水力计算规范概述 2

1.2.3 设计洪水流量 2

1.3主要研究内容 3

第二章 中国公路水力计算方法 5

2.1 涵洞水力计算 5

2.1.1 涵洞概述 5

2.1.2 水流通过涵洞的水力图示 7

2.1.3 基本计算公式 8

2.2 圆管涵水力计算公式 9

2.2.1 圆管涵水力要素 10

2.2.2 水力计算公式 11

2.3 圆管涵水力计算案例 12

2.3.1 无压自由流圆管涵水力计算算例 12

2.3.2 无压自由流圆管涵水力计算结果分析 15

2.4 本章小结 16

第三章 美国公路水力计算方法 18

3.1 美国涵洞水力设计 18

3.1.1 概述 18

3.1.2 控制类型 18

3.1.3 进水口控制 18

3.1.4 出水口控制 21

3.2 美国公路水力计算算例 24

3.2.1 非淹没式圆管涵算例计算设计过程 24

3.2.2 非淹没式圆管涵设计计算结果分析 29

3.3 本章小结 29

第四章 中美设计规范对比分析 30

4.1 量纲 30

4.2 计算方法 30

4.3进水口类型及参数选用 32

4.4 本章小结 34

第五章 结论和展望 35

5.1结论 35

5.2 展望 36

参考文献 37

致 谢 39

第一章 绪论





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