
 2022-04-06 08:04


摘 要

离体脑片能够在体外维持一定时间的活性, 保留了神经纤维和突触,排除了血脑屏障,机械稳定性高,且外环境更容易控制,因而是电生理实验的理想模型。膜片钳可以记录到单个离子通道的电流或者整个细胞质膜的电流,是当下研究神经元膜电生理特性的最重要的一种方法。本文通过记录不同的温度,时间和溶氧条件下,14d至21d大鼠幼鼠的离体海马脑片CA1区神经元的膜电容(Cm)、膜电阻(Rm)和接入电阻(Ra)等神经元膜被动电学特性参数,探索大鼠海马脑片孵育条件对神经元膜被动电学特性的影响,为最佳鼠海马脑片孵育条件提供参考。实验发现:

  1. 温度对14-21d龄的大鼠的离体脑片影响有限。30C与32C各被动电学特性一致,但34C的膜电阻与接入电阻收到影响且 36C及以上温度会严重影响脑片质量。
  2. 孵育0.5h已经足以恢复神经元活性,孵育时间过长不仅浪费降低实验效率,而且会对活性造成负面影响。
  3. 除膜电阻外,溶氧对于神经元的被动膜电学特性无显著影响。




The isolated brain slices can maintain the activity in vitro for a certain period of time, retain the nerve fibers and synapses and exclude the blood-brain barrier with a high mechanical stability and an external environment easier to control, thus being an ideal model for electrophysiological experiments. Patch clamps can record currents in a single ion channel or current across the plasma membrane of a cell, and thus being the most important method for studying electrophysiology of neuron membrane today. In this paper, passive electrical properties parameters of neuronal membranes such as membrane capacitance (Cm), membrane resistance (Rm) and access resistance (Ra) of neurons in isolated hippocampal CA1 neurons of rats aged 14d to 21d were recorded under different temperature, time and dissolved oxygen conditions. Consequently, we can explore the effects of rat hippocampal slice incubation conditions on the passive electrical properties of neuronal membranes, and provide reference for optimal incubation conditions of hippocampal slices. It was found:

(1) Temperature has limited effect on isolated brain slices of 14-21d rats. The passive electrical characteristics of 30C and 32C are similar, but the membrane resistance and access resistance of 34C are affected and the temperature of 36 degrees and above will seriously affect the quality of brain slices.

(2) Incubation for 0.5 h is sufficient to restore neuronal activity. Excessive incubation time not only decreases efficiency, but also negatively affects activity.

(3) Dissolved oxygen has no significant effect on the passive membrane electrical properties of neurons except for membrane resistance.

The experiment suggested that the optimal incubation conditions for isolated rat hippocampal slices were 0.5 h at 30C to 34C. Although dissolved oxygen has no significant effect on the passive electrical properties of the membrane, adequate dissolved oxygen is still the best recommendation considering active electrical properties such as action potential.

KEY WORDS: rat, hippocampal slices in vitro, incubation conditions, CA1, passive electrical property


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 膜片钳的研究历史 2

1.1.2 离体海马脑片的优势 2

1.1.3 离体脑片膜片钳技术的研究历史 3

1.1.4 脑片孵育方法的研究历史 3

1.2 研究目的 3

1.3 文章结构 4

第二章 材料与方法 5

2.1 实验脑片的制备 5

2.1.1 实验动物的选择 5

2.1.2 取脑并切片 6

2.1.3 注意事项 7

2.2 人工脑脊液的配制 7

2.3 孵育条件的设置 7

2.3.1 孵育前准备 8

2.3.2 温度梯度的设置 8

2.3.3 时间梯度的设置 8

2.3.4 溶氧梯度的设置 8

2.3.5 注意事项 9

2.4 电生理实验的记录 9

2.4.1 拉制玻璃微电极 9

2.4.2 铯电极内液的配制 9

2.4.3 全细胞膜片钳记录 10

2.4.4 注意事项 11

2.4.5 数据处理与分析 11

第三章 结果与分析 12

3.1 不同孵育条件对神经元形态的影响 12

3.1.1 孵育温度对神经元形态的影响 12

3.1.2 孵育时间对神经元形态的影响 13

3.1.3 溶解氧浓度对神经元形态的影响 13

3.2 不同孵育条件对膜电容的影响 14

3.2.1 孵育温度对膜电容的影响 14

3.2.2 孵育时间对膜电容的影响 15

3.2.3 溶解氧浓度对膜电容的影响 16

3.3 不同孵育条件对膜电阻的影响 17

3.3.1 孵育温度对膜电阻的影响 17

3.3.2 孵育时间对膜电阻的影响 17

3.3.1 溶解氧浓度对膜电阻的影响 18

3.4 不同孵育条件对接入电阻的影响 19

3.4.1 孵育温度对接入电阻的影响 19

3.4.2 孵育时间对接入电阻的影响 20

3.4.3 溶解氧浓度对接入电阻的影响 20

第四章 总结与讨论 22

参考文献 23

致谢 25






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