解酯酶基因attM转化疮痂链霉菌 Streptomyces scabies 对其致病性的影响

 2022-03-09 08:03


摘 要

群体感应系统(QS)通过信号分子调控许多生物学行为,是微生物细胞间重要的交流方式。当信号分子浓度达到一定阈值时,会启动相关基因的表达与调控。而在链霉菌中,信号分子γ-丁内酯起着重要的调控作用,与链霉菌细胞的形态发生与次级代谢产物形成有着密切关联。疮痂链霉菌(Streptomyces scabies)的致病力依赖于其毒力因子-酯酶、TXT毒素的表达。以往研究显示,attM编码解酯酶,可以有效降解γ-丁内酯,阻断毒素生物合成,从而产生群体淬灭效应。本研究将attM基因通过同源重组整合到疮痂链霉菌基因组中,使其内源性表达,进一步揭示attM基因表达蛋白对疮痂链霉菌毒力的抑制作用。





Studies on the pathogenicity of Streptomyces scabies affected by transforming with the lactonase-coding gene attM


Quorum sensing (QS) regulates many biological behaviours via signal molecules, it is an important way of communication between microbial cells. When the concentration of signal molecules reaches a certain threshold, the related genes start expressing and regulating biological processes. The signal molecule in Streptomyces, γ-butyrolactone plays an important role in regulating cell morphogenesis and the formation of secondary metabolites. The pathogenicity of Streptomyces scabies(S.scabies) depends on its virulence factor, the esterase and TXT toxins. Previous studies have shown that AttM, a kind of lactonase enzyme to effectively degrade QS signal γ-butyrolactone, can suppress the QS-regulated gene transcription and expression. This is so-called Quorum Quenching. Integrating attM gene to the genome of Streptomyces scabies by homologous recombination, which allows its constitutive expression, so we can further reveal the inhibitory effect of AttM protein on virulence of Streptomyces scabies.

Aims:Construct Streptomyces scabies strains transformed with the lactonase enzyme gene attM; Compare the differences of level of TXT toxin synthesis and esterase expression between transconjugants and wild type strains; Clarify the virulence inhibitory effect of lactonase enzyme protein on Streptomyces scabies.

Methods:Construct pIJ8600-attM recombinant shuttle plasmid with molecular biology techniques; Build S.scabies transconjugants via the conjugation between Escherichia coli and S.scabies; Compare the different level of toxin production between the wild type strains and transconjugants by the thin-layer chromatography techniques.

Result:Constructed pIJ8600-attM recombinant shuttle plasmid successfully; Build S.scabies transconjugants successfully.

Key words:Quorum sensing; pIJ8600-attM; conjugation; Streptomyces scabies; Thaxtomin.


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 2

1.1 马铃薯疮痂病 2

1.2 疮痂链霉菌 2

1.2.1 基本生物学特性 3

1.2.2 疮痂链霉菌的致病性 3

1.3 群体淬灭酶AttM 5

第二章 材料与方法 6

2.1 实验材料 6

2.1.1 菌株 6

2.1.2 质粒 6

2.1.3 PCR引物 6

2.1.4 培养基和溶液 7

2.1.5 实验仪器及设备 8

2.2实验方法 9

2.2.1 重组载体质粒pIJ8600-attM的构建 9

2.2.2 重组质粒转化疮痂链霉菌 13

2.2.3 转化株与野生株毒素水平的比较 15

第三章 结果与讨论 16

3.1 pIJ8600-attM重组质粒的构建 16

3.1.1 attM基因PCR 16

3.1.2 pIJ8600质粒与attM基因双酶切 16

3.1.3 重组质粒验证 17

3.2 重组质粒转化疮痂链霉菌 18

3.2.1 重组质粒转化大肠杆菌ET12567(pUZ8002) 18

3.2.1 大肠杆菌与疮痂链霉菌的接合 19

第四章 小结与展望 21

致谢 22

参考文献 23

第一章 绪论


1.1 马铃薯疮痂病


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