
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

0 引言…………………………………………………………………5

1 数据与方法…………………………………………………………5

2 结果与分析…………………………………………………………6

2.1 北极海冰范围的年际与季节变化 …………………………………………………6

2.1.1 北极海冰范围各季节的年际变化 …………………………………………6

2.1.2 北极海冰范围的小波分析 …………………………………………………7

2.1.3 滑动t检验法检验北极海冰范围在春、夏季的突变 ……………………9

2.2 北极海冰的分布变化………………………………………………………………10

2.2.1 大西洋扇区和太平洋扇区不同季节海冰范围年际变化…………………11

2.2.2 东半球和西半球不同季节海冰范围年际变化……………………………13

2.3 北极海冰分布成因的初步分析……………………………………………………15

2.4 通过楚科奇海锚碇潜标数据分析北极海冰的范围变化和漂移现象……………17

2.4.1 2012年7-9月海冰范围的变化 ………………………………………… 17

2.4.2 楚科奇海锚碇潜标观测数据的分析………………………………………20

2.4.3 楚科奇海锚碇潜标观测结果对海冰范围变化的分析……………………22

3 结论 ………………………………………………………………23

4 讨论 ………………………………………………………………24

参考文献 ……………………………………………………………25

致谢 …………………………………………………………………26



, China

Abstract: The Arctic is the cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere and it plays an important role in the regulation of global climate. With the melting of Arctic sea ice, the Arctic has attracted more and more attention. The multi-angle comparison and analysis of changes in the distribution and extent of Arctic sea ice over time using satellite remote sensing concentration data from the Arctic Sea Ice Monitoring (1979-2012) released by the American Ice and Snow Center; using the CTD data from China's fifth hydrological survey of the Arctic Sea, the impact of Atlantic and Pacific water injections on the distribution of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean was compared. By comparison we can draw: (1) Arctic sea ice has a decreasing trend in all seasons, and the decreasing trend in summer and autumn is more obvious around 2010; (2) With regard to the distribution of Arctic sea ice, the area of sea ice in the Western Hemisphere is approximately 1.5-2x106 km2 more than in the Eastern Hemisphere. However, there was a significant negative correlation between the changes in the area of the two hemispheres around 1998. Even in the autumn, the area of sea ice in the Eastern Hemisphere has exceeded the Western Hemisphere. (3) To further compare the interannual variations of the sea ice extent between the Atlantic sector and the Pacific sector, it can be seen that the extent of sea ice in the Pacific sector is more than twice that of the Atlantic sector; Interannual changes in the sea ice extent of the Atlantic sector show fluctuations in each season, while the winter and spring seasons in the Pacific sector do not show any significant reduction. In addition, according to the sea ice concentration distribution map published on the sea ice remote sensing website of Bremen University in Germany, it can be found that the sea ice in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean drifts over time while the range changes. Using the observation data of the anchor submarine laid and recovered in the Chukchi Sea during the hydrological survey of the fifth Arctic Sea in China, it is further speculated that the sea ice extent and sea ice drift are related to the injection of Pacific water.

Key words: Arctic; Sea ice changes; Sea ice distribution; Sea ice drift

0 引言



北极是一个能敏锐感知全球变暖影响的地方,北极变暖的速度是北半球变暖平均速度的2倍,这被称为北极放大效应。Rune 等[6]认为大气热量输送的变化可能是最近北极温度放大的一个重要原因,近期地球表面的变暖很可能是由于大气温室气体浓度的增大。Hansen等[7]认为虽然在全球范围内大多数温室气体分布相当均匀,但是极地地区对温室气体增温的响应比赤道地区大。这种响应取决于气候系统内的各种反馈。除了冰和雪作用的物理过程,大气的分层也构成了这样的反馈。在极地地区,对流层的分层相较于赤道地区更加稳定[8]。而James 等[9]认为海冰的减少在最近的北极放大效应中起到了主导作用。


北极海冰覆盖范围加速减少的同时,“东北航道”的开通也逐渐被人们所重视。东北航道即位于东半球亚欧大陆的北岸的一条海上航道,东北航道的开通,对于我国国际贸易和沿海经济发展将产生深远影响。张侠等[12]认为,与传统的航线相比,东北航道将使上海以北的港口到北海、波罗的海、欧洲西部等港口的航程缩短25% ~ 55%。东北航道的开通, 将极大拉近东亚和欧、北美等市场的距离, 促进国际分工和产业格局发生变化。




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