
 2022-02-14 08:02


摘 要

中船圣汇装备有限公司地处长江三角洲经济区新兴港口城市,随着装备制造业的产品越来越大,水运代替陆路运输成为装备制造业外运物流的主要途径,为满足企业自身需要及周边地区装备制造企业的船体、容器、塔器、罐体等大、重构件货物水上装卸需要,公司建设了苏州港张家港港区圣汇重件码头工程。本次设计具体为建设 3000 吨级舾装泊位2个,年吞吐量 8 万吨。平面布置根据《河港工程总体设计规范》,并结合久盛码头项目的位置确定了码头前沿高程为5.40m,前沿水深为6.35m,码头长300m,宽20m。本工程位于河汊内侧,地层以粉砂为主,软土层较厚,所以结构型式采用了梁板式高桩码头。设计提出两种结构方案,最终结合施工难度及造价选取了其中一种作为优选方案。在结构计算和构建模型时对结构型式进行了合理的简化,并对典型构件(面板、横梁、纵梁)进行受力和配筋计算。码头面板为迭合板,按单向板计算。本设计将纵梁按刚性支撑连续梁考虑,采用影响线法计算;横梁按弹性支撑连续梁考虑,按照五弯矩方程计算。此外,在计算过程中对桩基极限承载力、弹性桩长度进行了验算,计算结果均符合设计要求。最后,对配筋计算结果按制图标准进行施工图的绘制。



CSSC Shenghui Equipment co. is located in a Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone emerging port city. With the equipment manufacturing industry products bigger and bigger, water instead of road transport has become the main way of oversea logistics of manufacturing equipment. In order to meet the needs of aquatic loading and unloading of the hull, containers, towers, tanks and other large, reconstructed pieces of cargo manifested by the enterprise itself and the surrounding areas of equipment manufacturing enterprises, the corporation set up Shenghui heavy cargo wharf of Zhangjiagang, Suzhou Port. the main content of the design is the construction of two 3000-ton outfitting berths, with the annual throughput of 80 thousand tons. The layout is based on《Overall design specifications of River port project》and combination of the Jiusheng wharf project. The terminal front elevation is 5.40m. The terminal front water depth is 6.35m.The length of the berth is 300m while the width is 20m. The project is located at the river side ,and the stratum is mainly silty sand . So beam plate type high pile wharf is chosen as the structural style. Two structure plans are proposed and one is selected as the preferred solution by combination of technologies and economics. A reasonable simplification is carried out in the structural calculations and building models of the structure, and the calculations of the force and reinforcement of typical components (panels, beam, longeron). Terminal panels are laminated boards, calculated by way slabs. In the design, stringers are considered as rigid support continuous beams, calculated using the influence lines. Beams are considered as elastic support continuous beams calculated using the five calculated moment equations. In addition, check computations of ultimate bearing capacity of pile foundations and the length of elastic piles are done in the process of calculation. Calculation results are in line with the requirements. Finally, building drawings are drawn in accordance with cartographic standards and the results reinforced construction.

Key words: Beam Piling Wharf;outfitting berth ; The rigid support continuous beam;The elastic supporting continuous beam.


摘要 I

Abstract I

第一章 绪论 1

1.1工程概述 1

1.2设计依据 1

1.3设计遵循的主要规范标准 1

1.4设计内容 2

第二章 自然条件 3

2.1 工程地理位置 3

2.2 气象 4

2.2.1 气温 4

2.2.2 降水 4

2.2.3 风况 4

2.2.4 雾况 5

2.2.5 相对湿度 5

2.2.6 雷暴 5

2.3 水文 5

2.3.1 径流 5

2.3.2 潮位特征值 7

2.3.3 设计水位(85国家高程系统) 7

2.3.4 波浪 7

2.4 本工程与相关规划、相邻工程关系 8

2.5 工程地质 8

2.5.1 地形、地貌 8

2.5.2 工程地质条件 9

2.5.3 不良地质现象评价 11

2.5.4 地下水评价 11

2.5.5 工程地质评价 11

第三章 码头运营资料 14

3.1 泊位类型 14

3.2 船型资料 14

3.3 泊位作业标准、作业天数 14

3.3.1 泊位作业标准 14

3.3.2 泊位作业天数 15

第四章 码头总平面设计 16

4.1 平面布置的基本原则 16

4.2 码头主尺度 17

4.3 水域主尺度 17

4.3.1 设计水位(85国家高程系统) 17

4.3.2码头前沿设计高程 17

4.3.3码头前沿设计水深 18

4.3.4码头前沿设计泥面高程 19

4.4 码头水域计算 19

4.4.1 码头前沿停泊水域尺度 19

4.4.2 码头前船舶回旋水域尺度 19

第五章 装卸工艺 20

5.1 主要设计参数 20

5.1.1 设计参数 20

5.1.2 限制条件 21

5.2 装卸工艺方案及流程 21

5.2.1 卸船 21

5.2.2 装船 21

5.2.3 舾装作业 24

5.3 装卸机械设备选型 24

5.3.1 码头前沿设备选型 24

5.3.2 仓库设备选型 25

5.3.3 堆场设备选型 25

5.3.4 水平运输机械选型 25

第六章 水工建筑物 27

6.1结构选型 27

6.2结构方案 27

6.3 结构方案比选 28

第七章 船舶荷载计算 29

7.1 作用在船舶上的风荷载 29

7.2 作用在船舶上的水流力 29

7.3 作用在船舶上的系缆力 30

7.4 作用在船舶上的挤靠力 31

7.5 作用在船舶上的撞击力 31

第八章 面板计算 32

8.1 B3板内力计算 33

8.1.1计算依据 33

8.1.2 计算跨度 33

8.1.3 施工时期 34

8.1.4 使用时期 37

8.2 B3板的荷载组合 45

8.3 面板强度计算 48

8.3.1基本数据 48

8.3.2正截面承载能力极限状态计算 50


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