
 2022-06-30 10:06


摘 要




Dalian Zhuanghe Port is located in the south of the eastern part of the Liaodong Peninsula, and in the northeast of Dalian City. It is one of the northern city of Dalian under the jurisdiction of Dalian. The east is near Dandong and borders with Donggang City. The west is bordered by Biliu River and Pulandian District. The north is connected with Yingshan City's Gaizhou and Anshan Autonomous County of Anshan City, and the south of the Yellow Sea and Changhai County are across the sea. . The design of 35,000-ton bulk cargo terminal, according to the design process requirements, the total length of the terminal is 251m, the elevation of the terminal front elevation is -12.22m, and the height of the dock surface is 7.84m. The total width of the terminal structure can be determined in the cross-sectional view of the terrain. It is 23m. Panels are prefabricated and lapped to the longitudinal beams. Stringers are divided into track beams, general stringers and side stringers. This item requires the design of the hydraulic structure of the terminal and the technical design of some of the components. Its design includes data analysis in dock design, storage area calculation, terminal layout, structural selection, internal force calculation, structural design and construction. The final design results include a calculation book, a description and seven big pictures.

Key words:high pile wharf, Layout, horizontal layout, load combination, structural design, reinforcement calcula

目 录

摘要 1


第一章 概述 6

1.1项目概况 6

1.2设计依据 6

第二章 自然条件 7

2.1 气象 7

2.1.1气温 7

2.1.2降雨 7

2.1.3风 7

2.1.4雾 8

2.1.5雷暴 8

2.2 水文 8

2.2.1工程水文 8

第三章 码头总平面布置 9

3.1设计船型 9

3.2作业标准与作业天数 9

3.3平面尺度 9

3.3.1 泊位长度 9

3.3.2 泊位宽度 10

3.3.3 港池宽度 10

3.3.4 码头前沿顶高程 10

3.3.5 码头前沿设计水深 10

3.3.6 码头前泥面高程 11

3.3.7回旋水域布置 11

3.3.8 航道宽度 11

3.3.9 航道水深 11

3.4装卸工艺 12

3.4.1散货(煤炭)机械设备 12

3.4.2件杂货机械设备 12

3.5库场面积 12

3.5.1件杂货、散货的仓库或堆场容量计算 12

3.5.2件杂货仓库或堆场总面积计算 13

3.5.3煤炭堆场面积计算 13

3.6平面布置 13

3.7结构方案比选 14

3.7.1码头结构选型 14

3.7.2结构方案初步设计 14

3.7.3工程量比较 16

3.7.4结构方案选定 17

第四章 荷载 18

4.1永久荷载 18

4.2均布荷载 18

4.3门机荷载 18

4.4流动机械荷载 18

4.5船舶荷载 19

4.5.1船舶系缆力 19

4.5.2船舶挤靠力 22

4.5.3船舶撞击力 22

第五章 面板设计 24

5.1面板基本尺寸 24

5.2荷载计算 24

5.2.1施工期内力计算(短暂状况) 25

5.2.2使用期内力计算(持久状况) 26

5.3面板正截面配筋计算 27

5.3.1内力计算表 27

5.3.2配筋计算一般说明 27

5.3.3短暂状况配筋计算 27

5.3.4持久状况配筋计算 28

5.3.5预制吊环设计 29

5.4抗裂验算 29

5.4.1斜截面抗裂验算 29

5.4.2面板斜截面抗剪配筋验算 30

5.4.3面板裂缝宽度验算 31

第六章 纵梁设计 34

6.1内力计算 34

6.1.1计算原则 34

6.1.2计算尺寸 34

6.1.3计算跨度 34

6.1.4荷载 35

6.1.5施工期作用效应 37

6.1.5施工期作用效应 37

6.1.6作用效应组合 42

6.2轨道梁正截面配筋计算 44

6.2.1计算依据 44

6.2.2正截面承载能力计算 46

6.3抗裂验算 47

6.3.1轨道梁斜截面抗裂验算 47

6.3.2轨道梁斜截面抗剪配筋验算 47

6.3.3轨道梁裂缝宽度验算 48

第七章 横梁设计 50

7.1内力计算 50

7.1.1计算原则 50

7.1.2计算尺寸 51

7.1.3计算跨度 51

7.1.4横梁的结构断面特性 52

7.1.5作用分析 52

7.1.6桩基特性 53

7.2内力计算 56

7.2.1永久作用 56

7.2.2使用荷载 58

7.2.3内力计算 59

7.2.4持久状况作用效应组合 67

7.2.5支座弯矩计算表 73

7.2.6跨中弯矩计算表 74

7.2.7支座反力计算表 75

7.2.8剪力计算表 76

7.3横梁强度计算 77

7.3.1计算依据 77

7.3.2正截面承载力计算 77

7.3.3斜截面承载力计算 79

7.3.4持久状况正常使用极限状态验算 79

7.3.5裂缝宽度验算 80

致谢 81

参考文献: 82

第一章 概述




(1)《海港总体设计规范》 JTS165-2013

(2)《高桩码头设计与施工规范》 JTS167-1-2010


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