
 2022-04-26 10:04


摘 要





Dongjiang is one of the main water transportation channels in the central and eastern part of Guangdong Province. It is an important channel for material exchange and cultural dissemination between people on both sides of the river and Guangzhou, the capital city of the province, and the economically developed Pearl River Delta region. In order to meet the needs of sustainable economic development in Northeast Guangdong and support the economic construction in the basin, Guangdong Province decided to regulate the middle reaches of Dongjiang River in order to improve the passage capacity. The design reach of Huizhou to Heyuan 128 km, most of the two sides of the platform plain, with dikes, the general river width of 300 m 500 meters, the riverbed is mostly sandy, the average ratio is reduced to 0.2 ‰, the waterway maintenance scale is 0.8×20×120 meters, pass When sailing 50~80 tons of ships, the navigation guarantee rate is 95%. A kind of navigation mark is set up in the river section, which is maintained for the first kind, and there are three bridges across the river, such as Niushi, Shaba Island, Nankeng Shoal and so on, which are mainly obstructed to navigation, and this design is mainly for the regulation of Niushi barrier shoal.

At present, there are three kinds of research methods for river engineering problems: river bed evolution analysis, physical model test and numerical simulation. Based on the theories of hydrodynamics, river dynamics, waterway regulation and other related disciplines, according to the historical evolution trend of hydrological, sediment, topographic and other characteristics, starting from all kinds of motion equations, according to the principle of similarity, the design is programmed. On the basis of the first stage regulation of the river, the secondary regulation is carried out on the basis of the model and so on, and the original regulation scheme is further optimized.

KEY WORDS: Middle reaches of Dongjiang River, Channel regulation, Treatment effect, groin

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 概述 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 河段概况及研究目的 1

1.3 设计标准和规模 2

第二章 自然条件 3

2.1 流域概况 3

2.2 河道特征 3

2.3 来水来沙条件 3

2.4 水利设施概况 4

2.5 人类采砂活动 4

2.6 水文特征 5

2.7 泥沙特征 6

2.8 地形地貌与地质构造 7

2.9 气象特征 7

第三章 航道分析及可行性研究 10

3.1 冲淤演变分析 10

3.2 碍航原因分析 11

3.3 航道通过能力验算 11

3.4 工程可行性研究 12

第四章 设计水位和设计流量 13

4.1 处理方法 13

4.2 有效数据 13

第五章 整治线设计 18

5.1 整治水位和整治流量 18

5.2 整治线宽度计算 18

5.3 整治线平面布置 22

5.3.1 整治线布置原则 22

5.3.2 整治线尺寸 22

5.4 航道线路布置 22

第六章 天然河段水面线计算 24

6.1 河床糙率的确定 24

6.2 水面线计算 24

第七章 航道整治工程 27

7.1 整治工程设计基本原则 27

7.2 整治工程方案布置 27

7.3 筑坝工程设计 27

7.3.1 丁坝布置 27

7.3.2 结构设计 27

7.3.3 工程量计算 28

7.4 疏浚挖槽工程设计 31

7.4.1 挖槽设计原则 31

7.4.2 挖槽断面设计 32

7.4.3 抛泥区选择 32

7.4.4 挖泥船选择 33

7.4.5 土方量计算 33

参考文献 35

致谢 36

附录A 37

附录B 38

附录C 41





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