
 2022-04-23 06:04


摘 要








Shenzhen Port, located in the southern part of the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong Province. Among them, the Shekou Port Area is from the eastern end of the Wuwan Ferry Terminal to the boundary between the left Fortress Hill and Chiwan Port. The natural coastline is about 2800m. The western port area where Shekou Port is located is one of China's famous natural harbors. The location of Shenzhen Port is very advantageous. It is the “sea gateway” for China.

The Shekou Port Area 100,000-ton container terminal project, with its function, mainly relies on a 100,000-ton container ship and a 150,000-ton container ship. Designed to use the structural scheme of the full straight pile terminal. Prior to this, this structural scheme was compared with the structural scheme with inclined pile support, and the structural form of the full straight pile wharf is more economical and safe.

This project uses a beam connecting beam height connection. For the construction conditions of the harbor terminal, the form of full straight pile is adopted. This type of structure helps to make full use of the bending resistance of large pipe piles, thus reducing the difficulty of water construction. In addition, this project uses a large-sized pile cap structure, which can effectively reduce the span of the stringer.

The pier panel structure adopts the one-way plate design, the longitudinal beam is designed according to the rigid support continuous beam; the transverse beam frame is calculated according to the elastic continuous support beam with moment and vertical load, and the horizontal load is solved according to the general steel frame. This project uses the MATLAB programming method in the calculation of the structure of the line to improve the accuracy of the design.
This project studied the influence of different supporting conditions on the internal force and section design . After the analysis of the local optimization model, the suitable beam support scheme was recommended.
In addition, the designer used AutoCAD to draw the corresponding dock section design drawings, plane design drawings and elevation design drawings, and draw the dock panel reinforcement map and the longitudinal beam reinforcement

KEY WORDS: Shekou Port Area, dock structure design, full straight pile pier, container terminal, wharf layout

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 项目背景 1

1.1前言 1

1.2 设计的主要依据 1

1.3 工程项目的技术可行性 2

第二章 自然条件 3

2.1 港区地理位置 3

2.2 气象 3

2.3设计水位 4

2.4 潮流 5

2.5 设计风荷载 5

2.6 设计波浪要素 5

第三章 吞吐量预测及港口建设规模 6

3.1 工程建设的必要性 6

3.2 设计船型 8

3.3 建设规模 8

第四章 装卸工艺 9

4.1 装卸工艺 9

4.2装卸工艺流程 9

4.3工艺布置 9

4.4主要流动机械 9

第五章 总平面布置 11

5.1 总平面布置原则 11

5.2 港区高程设计 11

5.2.1 码头顶面高程 11

5.2.2 码头前沿设计底标高 12

5.3 泊位尺度 12

5.3.1 码头长度 12

5.3.2 码头面宽度 13

5.4 总平面布置 13

5.5 水域布置 14

5.5.1 船型尺度 14

5.5.2 码头前沿停泊水域宽度 14

5.5.3 港池和航道 14

第六章 码头结构设计 16

6.1建筑物种类和等级 16

6.2 设计条件 16

6.3 水工结构方案 18

第七章 码头面板的计算 20

7.1 计算依据与基础资料 20

7.1.1计算依据 20

7.1.2基础资料 20

7.2 面板内力计算 20

7.2.1施工时期 20

7.2.2 使用时期 22

7.3 作用效应组合 27

7.4面板配筋计算 30

7.4.1计算的依据 30

7.4.2正截面承载能力验算 31

7.4.4斜截面的承载力计算 33

7.4.5正常使用极限状态验算 35

第八章 纵梁的计算 37

8.1 纵梁的布置 37

8.2永久荷载产生的内力计算值 38

8.3可变荷载产生的内力设计值 39

8.4最不利荷载组合 46

8.5截面形式的确定 50

8.6 作用效应计算结果 50

8.7预应力钢筋面积估算及布置 51

8.7.1承载能力计算 51

8.7.2叠合梁斜截面承计算 53

第九章 纵梁的优化分析 56

9.1 永久荷载产生的内力计算值 57

9.2可变荷载产生的内力设计值 58

9.3 最不利荷载组合 61

9.4配筋 62

9.5斜截面承载力验算 63

9.6正常使用极限状态裂缝宽度计算 64

9.7纵梁截面优化设计建议 65

第十章 横向排架的计算 66

10.1 横梁内力计算 66

10.1.1 横梁尺寸 66

10.1.2 桩基特性 67

10.1.3 荷载作用 69

10.1.4作用效应分析 76

10.2配筋计算 101

10.3 斜截面承载能力计算 103

参考文献 107

致 谢 108

第一章 项目背景



蛇口港所在的西部港区是中国非常有名的优良的港口,它以足够的水深和巧夺天工的屏障为船舶的停泊提供了良好的条件,香港位于其南边,广州位于其北边,距离都比较近。蛇口港通过珠江这条运输渠道,与全国各地的都市紧密相连。2018年上半年深圳港的货物吞吐量12081.88万吨,与2017年相比上涨6.88%。从货物吞吐量为9080.90万吨,与2017年相比上涨0.48%;而集装箱的吞吐量高达1207.56万标箱,与2017年相别为1130.49万标箱和77.07万13.37%;随着深圳港的快速发展,深圳港不区的集装箱运输交点,而且将通过与香港港口的互利共赢,联合打造亚太地区的为国际运输服务的航运站。此次设计主要完成深圳港蛇口 7#泊位集装箱码头工程,该码头为高桩梁板式码头,总长369.40m。第13~17结构段,其中第13~15段每段长70.28m,16、17段长79.28m。此港的建成有利于结合实际情况进一步优化深圳港。

1.2 设计的主要依据

(1)《码头结构设计规范》(JTS 167—2018);


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