
 2023-04-17 03:04


摘 要




The problems and development proposals of group-buying websites-For MeiTuan website


Since 2010, the Chinese online group-buying has been rapid development and there has been a large of the websites.. With the rapid development of group-buying, our network problems ensued overwhelmed of the online group-buying, such as lack of industry standards, consumer fraud, customer loyalty is low, woeful and so on. All that gave the fledgling group-buying caused a great crisis, but also deeply hurt the vital interests of consumers.Facing the current problems and confusion,we must find reasonable countermeasures and solutions.

In this paper, the Mei Tuan as the main object, which extends to buy the site of the existence of various problems and phenomena. Use knowledge of marketing and e-commerce, in-depth study of the Mei Tuan through questionnaires and other means. Describes the history and current development of the network buy, and on this basis, provides an overview of the US group net, and using the results of the questionnaire analysis and related information to identify problems in the US group net and identify appropriate countermeasures. Articles divided into six chapters in total, mainly for the core issues were discussed network buy, the better development of the network buy outstanding reasonable plan and recommendations. From the background and significance, current research, theory elaborated. Deep buy more thorough understanding of network problems in a reasonable solution, constant innovation, seeking for development.

Keywords: online group-buying; Existing problems; Mei Tuan; Developing Strategy

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 2

1.1 研究背景 2

1.2 研究的意义 2

1.3 研究思路及内容 2

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 团购定义 4

第三章 网络团购发展现状 5

3.1我国团购市场发展特点 5

3.1.1发展速度极快 5

3.1.2覆盖范围广 5

3.1.3趋于专业化 5

3.1.4最新互联网消费模式 6

3.2我国团购网站发展现状 6

3.2.1国内团购网站数量锐减 6

3.2.2 用户规模的增长不稳定 6

3.2.3 团购网站诚信受质疑 6

3.2.4团购网站进入了最后洗牌期 6

3.2.5团购网站转型B2C 7

第四章 美团网的市场调查分析 7

4.1 美团网简介 7

第五章 团购网站及美团网存在的问题 11

5.1 团购网站存在的问题 11

5.1.1 准入门槛低,缺乏资格审核 11

5.1.2 法律不健全,缺乏监管体系 11

5.1.3 同质化现象严重,竞争环境激烈 11

5.1.4 团购信息与实际不符 12

5.1.5 支付风险大 12

5.1.6 缺乏诚信 12

5.1.7售后服务差 12

5.1.8 维护权益难 13

5.1.9 满意度低 13

5.2 美团网存在的问题 13

5.2.1 网站信誉问题 13

5.2.2 实物配送问题 13

5.2.3 服务水平亟待提高 13

5.2.4 服务模式单一 14

第六章 团购网站及美团网问题解决措施 14

6.1 团购网站问题解决策略 14

6.1.1 制定相关的法律法规 14

6.1.2 加强诚信建设 14

6.1.3 完善审查机制 14

6.1.4 增强消费者维权意识 15

6.1.5 完善支付机制 15

6.2 美团网问题解决策略 15

6.2.1 提高创新能力 15

6.2.2 提高产品种类 15

6.2.3开发新的模块 15

6.2.4 加强商家监督 16

6.2.5 建立物流体系,提高发货速度 16

结束语 17

致 谢 18

参考文献(References) 19

第一章 引 言

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究的意义


1.3 研究思路及内容



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