
 2022-04-13 19:58:17


摘 要





In recent years, the government's regulation and control of the real estate industry has gradually increased, and the industry has been under tremendous pressure from the external environment, which has changed from a high-speed growth period to a slow development period. The real estate industry began to expand its business and transform its diversified operations in order to pursuit of future development. However, most scholars only tend to select two indicators---profitability and growth ability for their business performance at home and abroad. Most of them have fewer evaluation indicators so that the research did not fully reflect the impact of diversification on the overall business. Besides, the impact of diversification on corporate performance has not reached a unified conclusion. Therefore, it is very meaningful to study in depth the impact of the diversification of China's real estate industry on the management level of enterprises.

This paper firstly conducts theoretical research on relevant literatures at home and abroad to explore the motivations of diversification in the real estate industry. After empirical research, 105 real estate listed companies are selected as research samples to explore the impact of diversification on business management. This paper analyses the impact of the degree of diversification on the evaluation index--- profitability, financing ability, operational capability, development capability and cash flow level of the enterprise's operation level. Finally, the paper draws conclusions through theoretical research and empirical research. On the one hand, the combination of multiple factors has led to the transformation of the real estate industry into diversified operations. But the ultimate goal is to better development and maximize the value. On the other hand, the operation has a negative impact with the company's profitability, financing ability and development capability. And the diversified operation of the real estate industry has a positive correlation with the operational capability and cash flow level of the enterprise, and has mutual influence. At the same time, based on the research conclusions, combined with the actual situation of China's economic environment and real estate industry to provide countermeasures.

KEY WORDS: real estate industry, diversified management, business management level, correlation analysis, regression analysis

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 2

1.3研究内容及框架 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1多元化基础理论 4

2.2多元化经营动因一般性理论 4

2.3多元化经营效果一般性理论 6

2.3.1多元化对企业绩效的消极效应 6

2.3.2多元化对企业绩效的积极效应 6

2.3.3多元化对企业绩效的无关效应 7

第三章 房地产行业多元化经营动因理论研究 8

3.1多元化经营内部动因 8

3.2多元化经营外部动因 10

3.3动因理论研究总结 12

第四章 实证研究方案设计 13

4.1研究假设及方法 13

4.1.1研究假设 13

4.1.2研究方法 14

4.2样本选取及数据来源 14

4.2.1样本选取条件 14

4.2.2样本数据来源 15

4.3多元化程度指标量化 15

4.4企业经营水平评价指标选取 16

4.5控制变量设定 17

4.6实证研究模型构建 18

第五章 多元化程度对企业经营水平的影响实证研究 19

5.1样本数据描述性统计分析 19

5.2多元化程度与企业经营水平评价指标相关性分析 23

5.3多元化程度与企业经营水平评价指标回归分析 25

5.3.1多元化程度与盈利能力回归分析 25

5.3.2多元化程度与融资能力回归分析 27

5.3.3多元化程度与运营能力回归分析 28

5.3.4多元化程度与发展能力回归分析 29

5.3.5多元化程度与现金流水平回归分析 30

5.4实证研究结果总结 31

第六章 研究结论及对策建议 32

6.1研究结论 32

6.2对策建议 33

6.3研究局限性 33

参考文献 35

致 谢 36

第一章 绪论


多元化经营理论指出企业实现多元化经营,可实现规模经济效应、分散风险的作用[1] 。20世纪80年代起,国内也有众多学者对多元化经营理论进行研究,对其进行补充和完善。改革开放后,中国经济发展水平高速增长,行业也随着发展壮大,不断尝试和探索新业务发展,促使行业走上多元化经营道路。



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