
 2023-04-22 03:04


摘 要





Tax Planning of Small and Middle-sized Enterprises


Taxes are a runs through the enterprise of economic activity, which tax planning is good or bad has directly impact on corporate profits. Proper tax planning for businesses or countries will have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

The real estate industry has been the mainstay of the national economy, industry, relating to people"s livelihood and the nation"s fundamental system of small and medium enterprises in relation to large enterprises need better attention, so starting from small and medium sized real estate enterprises, through the analysis of small and medium sized real estate enterprises development and sales taxes involved in tax planning to stress the importance of proper tax planning of enterprise impact. By the real estate sector extended to other industries, overall look at tax planning the importance of this economic activity is now under the market economy system. Small and medium enterprises provide jobs for most of our people, their social status, economic status, should not be belittled, but small and medium enterprises because of the disadvantages of its own, many have failed to make a science of tax planning, so by comparing the advantages and disadvantages between SMEs and large enterprises more highlight the urgency of legitimate tax planning for small and medium enterprises and an important influence.

Through theoretical analysis and case study evidence to stress the importance of proper tax planning for small and medium enterprises, and call on the heads of small and medium enterprises to this piece of the attention of tax planning.

When we try to improve profitability while not neglecting to plan with its own risks, we should pay attention to reasonable risk-averse, otherwise it will outweigh the lost original meaning of tax planning.

Keywords: Middle and small-sized enterprises; Real estate; Tax planning

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2研究内容及方法 1

1.3研究的目的 1

第二章 中小企业相对于大型企业的优劣势分析 2

2.1中小型企业的相关概念 2

2.2中小型企业相对于大型企业的优势 2

2.3中小型企业所面临的挑战及其应对策略 2

2.3.1挑战 2

2.3.2策略 3

第三章 税收筹划概述及我国中小企业税收筹划现状 4

3.1税收概述 4

3.1 .1税收筹划的概念 4

3.1.2税收筹划的内容及途径 4

3.1.3税收筹划的目的及意义 5

3.2中小企业税收筹划现状 5

第四章 以房地产行业为例对中小企业纳税筹划进行具体分析 7

4.1 房地产行业的特点 7

4.2房地产开发阶段的税收筹划 7

4.3房地产销售阶段的税收筹划 8

4.4合理的纳税筹划对房地产行业的影响 8

第五章 中小企业纳税筹划的风险及其规避 9

5.1 纳税筹划风险的概念及可能涉及到的风险 9

5.2 对风险的防范及应对措施 9

5.3 合理的进行风险规避对企业的影响 10

第六章 总结与启示 11

致 谢 12

参考文献 13

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

房地产行业在我国一直备受各界关注, 其关系着我国居民的住房以及经济发展等问题。由于房地产行业在进行经营的过程中涉及的经济数额较大,资本投入较多,故房地产企业的纳税金额一直较高。尤其是对规模不够强大的中小房地产企业来说,没有的完善的纳税筹划机制,税负也就比较重,故如何进行合理的纳税筹划来减轻企业的税收负担也就至关重要。



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