
 2023-04-21 08:04


摘 要





Relevant problems and thinking on levying inheritance tax in China


Considering the Chinese economy is developing rapidly along with the increasing trend of economic globalization, the problems and challenges about levying inheritance tax in China will become more and more important. For which, four aspects were studied and discussed here as follows: Firstly, starting from the fundamental concepts of inheritance tax, the reason of levying inheritance tax in China was presented. Secondly, the value of Chinese inheritance tax based on feasibility and necessity was explored. Moreover, we also investigated the dilemma of its practical execution from the point of tax system, economy and culture. Finally, we proposed the responding solutions with respect to the above-mentioned problems.

This paper not only systematically analyzed relevant articles and papers on this topic but also referred to other scholars’ important research achievements in order to prove the necessity of levying inheritance tax in China. During which, I have analyzed the value of doing this and put forward my own ideas.

In a word, after a comprehensive analysis, some feasible and effective suggestions were proposed for the aim of solving the problems of levying inheritance tax in China.

Keywords:inheritance tax; the gap between rich and poor; legal system

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 研究内容与目的 1

1.3 研究方法与思路 1

第二章 遗产税基本理论 2

2.1遗产税基本理论 2

2.1.1基本理论 2

2.1.2遗产税税制类型 2

2.2 遗产税起源以及在中国的现状 2

第三章 遗产税立法的价值 3

3.1.我国开征遗产税的可行性 4

3.1.1开征遗产税的税源日益充裕 4

3.1.2丰富的开征遗产税借鉴经验 4

3.1.3开征遗产税的法律基础日益完备 5

3.1.4开征遗产税的配套措施日渐完善 5

3.1.5具备开征遗产税的舆论基础 5

3.1.6符合国际趋势 5

3.2我国开征遗产税的必要性 6

3.2.1经济方面 6

3.2.2社会方面 6

3.2.3国家方面 8

第四章 遗产税开征的困境 10

4.1遗产税税制困境 10

4.1.1开征遗产税配套的制度不完善 10

4.1.2遗产税纳税人方面的阻扰 10

4.1.3税务机关的征管水平不高 10

4.1.4有关遗产税起征点、税率、纳税环节、减免税的争论 11

4.2经济困境 11

4.2.1可能导致资金和人才的外流 11

4.2.2可能会阻碍民营企业和家族企业的发展 12

4.3文化困境 13

4.3.1“子承父业”的传统文化 13

4.3.2文化轻利的观念 13

4.3.3财不外露的观念 13

第五章 我国构建遗产税的思路和对策 14

5.1我国遗产税税制 14

5.1.1税制模式的选择 14

5.1.2纳税人的确定 14

5.1.3课税对象的确定 14

5.1.4税率的设定 14

5.1.5扣除项目的确定 15

5.1.6起征点的确定: 15

5.2我国遗产税制度的对策 15

5.2.1.开征遗产税应遵循的基本原则 15

5.2.2相关法律法规的健全 16

5.2.3配套措施的完善 16

5.2.4文化 17

结语 18

致谢 19

参考文献(References) 20

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义




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