
 2023-03-15 10:33:45


摘 要





Study on the Tax Collection and Management of E-commerce under C2C Model in China


With the increasingly developed network communication technology, more and more online activities are more active, online shopping is a good example. China has hundreds of millions of Internet users, online shopping has become an indispensable part of daily life. As a new form of e-commerce, online shopping brings convenience to people"s lives at the same time, but also changed people"s way of life, led the development of China"s economy, to solve part of the employment of vulnerable groups of society, and promote social stability. But everything has its two sides, e-commerce is no exception.

At present, China"s rapid development of e-commerce for our economy has injected tremendous vitality, resulting in a huge economic benefits, but also produced a series of problems. E-commerce is different from the traditional physical business, its own characteristics, such as the virtual also brought a lot of problems, such as tax collection and management issues. China"s current tax law system only for the substantive business norms, B2B, B2C because of its own need to register, so it also applies to the relevant provisions of the business, but the law for the emerging C2C e-commerce whether the tax is not clearly defined. At present, China"s C2C e-commerce tax is still in the discussion stage. Some countries abroad, both the United States and the European Union have begun to tax C2C e-commerce, and produced a huge revenue. Compared with the economically developed countries, China"s C2C e-commerce taxation, whether from the theoretical research or from the basis of practice are not mature enough. Therefore, in our country"s taxation process more reference to foreign lessons and legislative ideas will be of such taxation in China have a great help.

Therefore, we need to C2C model of e-commerce tax collection and management to establish a practical tax system, so not only to maintain the healthy development of the entire market economy, but also to prevent the loss of state revenue, the real sense of long-term safeguarding the economic interests of our country, but also make our country closer to the international e-commerce development path, more and more with the international e-commerce convergence, safeguarding China"s international interests in e-commerce.

Keywords: C2C model; Electronic Commerce; Tax collection and management

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 我国C2C模式下电子商务税收征管问题研究的文献综述 3

第三章 我国C2C模式下电子商务税收征管的现状及存在的问题 5

3.1 我国C2C电子商务的发展现状 5

3.2 我国C2C模式下电子商务税收征管的现状 6

3.3 我国C2C模式下电子商务税收征管存在的问题 6

3.3.1 征收管理实体的不确定性 6

3.3.2 征收管理程序的不完善性 7

第四章 国外C2C电子商务税收征管的实践及启示 9

4.1 国外C2C电子商务税收征管的经验 9

4.1.1 美国C2C电子商务税收征管的经验 9

4.1.2 欧盟C2C电子商务税收征管的经验 9

4.2 国外C2C模式下电子商务税收征管对我国的启示 10

4.2.1 实现税收公平中性目标 10

4.2.2 完善税收法律规章制度 10

4.2.3 健全税收配套管理措施 10

第五章 完善我国C2C模式下电子商务税收征管的对策及建议 12

5.1 增强C2C中小卖家的纳税意识 12

5.2 完善税收法律体系,增加电子商务征税立法 12

5.3 建立电子商务税收优惠体系 12

5.4 完善C2C电子商务的税收征管制度 13

5.4.1 确定电子商务的税收管辖权 13

5.4.2 强化税收登记制度 13

5.4.3 重视电子发票的应用 13

5.4.4 加强税务监管 14

结 论 15

致 谢 16

参考文献(References) 17

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


1.2 研究目的及意义


1.3 研究内容及方法




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