
 2023-02-10 04:02


摘 要



Research on Tax Policy for Promoting the Development of Small and Micro Enterprises


Judging from the current economic situation, the proportion of small and micro enterprises in the total number of enterprises is increasing year by year, and has become the most active main body in China"s market economy, playing a key role in economic transformation. Although small and small enterprises are small in scale, they involve a large number of industries, which have a significant effect on optimizing the industrial structure, relieving employment pressure, narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, and stabilizing the social environment. According to statistics, as of the end of 2017, there were about 62 million individual industrial and commercial households in China, and there were about 28 million small and micro enterprise legal persons. They contributed more than 80% of the country"s employment, more than 70% of invention patents, and more than 60% of GDP. More than 50% of the tax is a vital force that cannot be ignored. To develop small and micro enterprises, we can optimize the taxation system and improve the taxation policy system. In this regard, in order to promote the development of small and micro enterprises, China has successively promulgated many tax policies in order to play the economic adjustment mechanism of taxation. However, due to its own "small" constraints, China"s small and micro enterprises still have problems such as external financing difficulties, and they are still facing a heavy pressure on tax burdens compared to developed countries with late start, weak competitiveness and poor operating environment. problem. This topic intends to start from the status quo of China"s small and micro enterprises, tax policy, point out and analyze the effects and defects of small and micro enterprises tax policy and make recommendations.

Keywords: small and micro enterprises; tax incentives; policy research

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 4

1.1 选题背景及研究意义 4

1.1.2 研究意义 4

1.2 研究思路和方法 4

1.2 小微企业概念界定 5

1.3.2 小微企业的特征与税收的联系 6

第二章 文献综述 7

第三章 小微企业税收政策现状及问题 9

3.1我国小微企业发展现状 9

3.2 我国小微企业税收政策梳理 9

中央政府为弥补大范围减税降费带来的地方性收入减少,将加大对地方一般性转移支付。这些政策暂定实行三年,预计每年可再为小微企业减负约2000亿元。下文将从各个税种方面梳理我国现有税收政策。 10

3.2.1 小微企业增值税税收政策 10

3.2.2 小微企业企业所得税税收政策 11

3.2.3小微企业印花税税收政策 11

3.2.4 小微企业房产税税收政策 11

3.3 我国小微企业税收政策中存在的问题 11

3.3.1 税收政策环境问题 11

3.3.2税收政策征管问题 12

第四章 案例分析——以南京市为例 13

4.1 南京市小微企业整体情况 13

4.2 基于统计局数据下南京市小微企业政策落实情况分析 14

4.3 南京市工业小微企业2012——2016五年经济指标分析 16

第五章 借鉴国外小微企业税收政策 18

5.1 美国 18

5.2 日本 18

5.3 英国 19

5.4 启示 19

第六章 结论建议及展望 20

6.1 结论及建议 20

6.2 本文的不足及展望 20

致谢 21

参考文献(References) 22

绪 论


      1. 选题背景






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