
 2023-02-10 04:02


摘 要





Corporate Tax Compliance from the Perspective of Tax and Management


In recent years, construction of the rule of law has been progressing in China, and the enterprise"s consciousness of paying taxes in accordance with the law has also been strengthened, tax collection and administration authorities in the information construction, service awareness, tax law publicity and other aspects of continuous progress and improvement, these factors have objectively promoted the tax compliance of enterprises. However, in fact, there are still some contradictions and conflicts between tax compliance and tax collection and manage, which lead to some questions, like the low efficiency of tax collection and management, the tense relationship between tax collection and administration organs and tax-paying enterprises, and more.

Under this background, the research based on the new public management theory, customer relationship management theory and principal-agent theory is exploring the mutual relationship between the two continuously, to meet the reasonable expectations of taxpayers, to provide convenient and efficient tax service for taxpayers, and thus to improve the efficiency of tax collection and management, this paper tries to explore the causes of the relationship between tax collection and tax payment enterprises, and to put forward some countermeasures to solve the problems.

From the perspective of tax collection and management, this paper studies the tax compliance of Chinese enterprises. And from the tax collection and management of management services, tax monitoring, tax audit and tax implementation aspects of China"s enterprises to explore and research the tax compliance issues.

Keywords: Tax compliance; Tax collection and management; Tax service; Compliance model of taxation


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的 1

1.3 税收遵从的基本概念和类型 1

1.3.1 税收遵从的基本概念 1

1.3.2 税收遵从的类型 1

1.4 税收遵从概念的界定 1

第二章 有关税收遵从的文献综述 2

第三章 浅析我国企业的税收遵从现状 4

3.1 我国企业税收遵从的现状 4

3.1.1 我国税收收入现状 4

3.1.2 我国的税收不遵从情况及其分类 4

3.1.3 我国企业纳税意识的现状 4

3.2 我国企业税收遵从度不高的原因 5

第四章 浅析我国税收征管与企业税收遵从的矛盾 7

4.1 我国税收征管环节的内容 7

4.1.1 税收征管的概念 7

4.1.2 税收征管的环节 7

4.2 我国税收征管与企业税收遵从之间的矛盾 7

4.2.1 矛盾的内容与形成的原因 7

4.2.2 解决矛盾的方案 8

第五章 借鉴国外税收遵从的经验 10

5.1 发达国家税收遵从理论的发展与应用 10

5.1.1 加拿大的税收遵从发展 10

5.1.2 澳大利亚的税收遵从发展 10

5.2 结合我国企业纳税遵从现状提出改进建议 11

结 论 14

致 谢 15

参考文献(References) 16

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


1.2 研究目的


1.3 税收遵从的基本概念和类型


税收遵从(Tax Compliance)指的是纳税人要遵守现存的税法,依据税法自觉缴纳税款的行为。纳税遵从主体是纳税人(扣缴义务人和征缴代理人),其对象是涉税法律、法规、规章和政策等(统称税法)。税收遵从主要表现在纳税人遵从税收制度和遵从征管制度两方面,要求纳税人及时、真实、准确地履行纳税义务,换句话来说,就是要求纳税人按照相关的规定进行税务登记,对应纳税额进行准确的计算,即时申报税款,呈报真实的涉税资料,并且准时交纳足额的税款。





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